2021 Employees of the Year
Employee of the Year
Garen Essakhanian

For more than 20 years, Garen Essakhanian has been an integral member of the City’s Information Technology Department. The past two years have been particularly brimming with challenge and opportunity for IT, and Garen has risen to face it all with determination and tenacity. The pandemic forced a reimagining of technology services for the City of Burbank. Garen led the IT team to facilitate televised virtual public meetings, migrate to new systems allowing for remote work for City employees, deploy programming to enable easy and secure access to online pay statements, setup technology for the City’s vaccination clinic, and so much more. Garen was also key to the City’s response to two major cyber-security attacks, taking fast decisive action to protect the City from serious compromise in the past year. Garen has exerted an unlimited effort to ensure IT Operations continue no matter the circumstance, often working 24x7 ensuring the needs of his customers were met. His invaluable skills, commitment to the City, and work ethic make him an esteemed member of the City team.
Firefighter of the Year
Fire Captain Erik Johnson

Through a year that has had many challenges, Captain Johnson has been a consummate professional and strong leader. His attitude and influence are the model of what “right looks like” when it comes to all facets of service to the community, and in particular, patient care. Captain Johnson stepped up this year to aid in the recruitment process for the 2020 and 2021 academies. It began by recognizing a departmental need and made himself available by volunteering to assist with the background process for each of the three recruitments. Captain Johnson has also accepted a role as a shift PM Coordinator for the Fire Department. His paramedic experience, along with his attitude and leadership will be a definite attribute to EMS program. His positivity has made him a positive impact and has made those around him better. Fire Captain Johnson’s work ethic, attitude, and devotion to the Department has been most beneficial to the Fire Department and to the City.
Police Officer of the Year
Detective Christian Diaz

Since 2008, Detective Christian Diaz has been a committed member of the Burbank Police Department. Working his way up to Detective, Diaz has an impressive resume with nine years of experience in the Patrol Division as a Police Officer. As a Detective for the Department, Diaz was assigned to the Property Detail to investigate commercial burglaries. In this role he successfully investigated many cases that resulted in the arrests of those responsible for victimizing our local businesses. Throughout his career, Detective Diaz has worked diligently to reduce incidents of crime that negatively impact the citizens of Burbank. Detective Diaz’ achievements and accolades include the prestigious Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Award and attaining the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training’s “Advanced Officer” certificate and being named the Burbank Police Department Officer of the Year in 2021 and 2014. Despite his demanding career in law enforcement, Detective Diaz continued his formal education, and in February of 2019, he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice from California Coast University. Detective Diaz’ work ethic, professionalism and commitment embody the department’s core values of Respect, Integrity, and Excellence. He is an outstanding representative of the many dedicated men and women members of the Burbank Police Department.