The Economic Development Team offers Business Concierge services to provide dedicated and personalized customer service to our small and large businesses.
The City of Burbank is dedicated to the well-being of its businesses, and offers a variety of programs to help businesses succeed.
general business information
Vendors must register on-line with the City to conduct business with the City and to receive automatic notifications of open bid solicitations.
Your source for all business licenses and taxes for all businesses operating within the City of Burbank, managed by Community Development.
Dedicated to advancing job growth, boosting commercial activity, and upholding quality of life for residents, businesses, and visitors to Burbank.
With more than 600 shops, the largest IKEA in the US, Flappers Comedy Club, and the AMC movie theaters, Downtown Burbank is a top shopping and entertainment destination.
Behind-the-scenes movie tours, TV show tapings, theme parks, outdoor adventures, and more! It’s all here in Burbank, CA!
Check out the Burbank Chamber of Commerce's Guide to Burbank for community resources, business tools, city navigation, and much more.
MORE Resources for Growing or Starting your Business in Burbank
Burbank Water and Power offers many rebates and incentives to Burbank businesses for making energy and water saving upgrades. Learn more here.
The Burbank Chamber of Commerce provides businesses with advocacy, resources, and connections to promote economic growth and provide valued services to its members. Learn more here.