
Eviction and Mortgage Updates & Relief

Commercial Eviction

City of Burbank Commercial Eviction Order Update:
Eviction protections for nonpayment of rent have expired.  However, anti-harassment and retaliation protections continue during the protection period, as well as personal guarantee protections for certain commercial tenants under the Los Angeles (LA) County Order.  Please review the LA County order for more details.  As with the residential tenant projections, these commercial tenant protections may apply to certain Burbank commercial tenants.  However, that is to be determined by the courts.

Eligible commercial tenants that were protected from eviction via the City commercial eviction moratorium have six (6) months from the expiration of the City’s commercial order (September 30, 2021) to pay back due rent.  The period ended March 31, 2022.  For more information on the rent repayment period and commercial tenant resources, please visit the City’s COVID-19 website at

Residential Eviction

The Burbank Eviction Ordinance (20-2, 942), which protected against both residential and certain commercial evictions ended on September 30, 2020.  However, there are some protections for certain, eligible tenants as described below:

Los Angeles County Updated COVID-19 Tenant Protection Resolution:
Many of LA County's COVID 19 Tenant Protections have expired as of March 31,  2023. 

There are very limited protections with the end of the county order. For more information, visit: The LA County Consumer & Business Affairs Website




State of California AB 2179 - California’s COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium Update:
Legal protections against eviction based on nonpayment of rent due to COVID hardship have expired as of June 30, 2022, for qualifying residential tenants. Starting July 1, 2022 the notice requirements and special eviction procedures originally enacted by the COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act (CTRA) and the COVID-19 Rental Housing Recovery Act (Recovery Act) no longer apply. 

Mortgage Assistance

Financial Relief and Assistance
  • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's Guide to Mortgage Assistance Relief. Read here.  
  • Fannie Mae Assistance Options for Homeowners Impacted by COVID-19. See here for more information.
  • Freddie Mac. See here for more information


Please note: Within the CARES Act, section 4023, concerns Forbearance of Residential Mortgage Loan Payments for Multifamily properties with Federally Back Loans,  (2)(d)(2) states

A multifamily borrower that receives a forbearance under this section may not, for the duration of the forbearance—

(1) evict or initiate the eviction of a tenant from a dwelling unit located in or on the applicable property solely for nonpayment of rent or other fees or charges; or

(2) charge any late fees, penalties, or other charges to a tenant described in paragraph (1) for late payment of rent.

The entire CARES Act can be found here.

  • The Governor signed an Executive Order that waives penalties for property taxes paid after April 10 for taxpayers who have experienced financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic.