Stough Canyon Nature Center

Hiking & Trails
The Stough Canyon Nature Center offers various docent-led or staff led hikes each month. Hike length and difficulty will vary. Hikers should bring water and wear sunscreen, appropriate clothing and shoes. Adults must accompany children under 12 years of age. Strollers are not recommended on hikes. Sign up on burbankparks.com.
Monthly from January - December | Time Varies | Easy | Meet at Stough Canyon Trail Head
Enjoy a short staff led hike to "The View" and check out a great view of the moon! Call to confirm start time.
View the 2025 schedule here (PDF)
Last Sunday of each month | 11:30 a.m. | Easy | Meet at Stough Canyon Trail Head
Learn about the insects, reptiles, and wildlife in the area of the Verdugo Mountains.

City of Burbank Parks & Recreation at 818.238.5300
Beginning at the top of Walnut Avenue, near the Nature Center, the fire road leads to the Verdugo Mountain Way Trail. The Verdugo Mountain Way is an extensive trail system which extends from the Sun Valley area, south to Brand Park in Glendale, and northeast to Tujunga and La Crescenta. Hiking and mountain biking are permitted on the fire roads. The smaller trails are for hiking only.
Trails are open from sunrise to sunset, but please note that the trails may be closed and hikes may be cancelled at any time due to hazardous conditions as a result of inclement weather including, fire, excessive wind, rainstorms, heat, etc. Signage will be posted at the trail head. Please do not enter the trail area if closed signs are posted.
Programs & Activities
- 2 hour program with a nature hike, nature activity/craft and tour of the Stough Canyon Nature Center
- Minimum of 10 children per group. Maximum group size 90 (children and adults included)
- Curriculum-based or badge-based themes available
- $8 per child in attendance. Payment is collected day of trip.
- Chaperone to student ratio should be 1:10 with a maximum of 15 chaperones per group. There is no fee for teachers, scout leaders and/or chaperones
- Group trips are rain or shine. Trips can be postponed for a later date in the event of inclement weather.
- Trips are offered Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 9 am and 1 pm through May 23, 2025. Summer offerings for scout trips are limited.
- To reserve a date visit our website here.
Adult docents and youth docents assist with nature hikes, field trip groups, office work, trail maintenance, and special events. All new volunteers are required to attend basic training sessions. Volunteers who wish to assist or lead hikes and workshops are required to attend additional training sessions. Most classes are held at the Nature Center and are approximately 1 to 1½ hours long. Learn about the flora and fauna and wildlife in the area, ecological concepts, natural history and interpretive skills. Docents will also help with Nature Center displays and trail maintenance. Youth docents can earn service credit for school by participating in the docent program. The Youth Docent and Adult Docent Program require a $25 annual fee.
For more information on becoming a docent, please contact the Nature Center.
Stough Canyon Nature Center and the Burbank Public Library are partnering up to read a story and do an activity with a new theme each month! Join us, owl bet it’ll be a hoot!
2024 Dates
September 26 | October 24
November 21 | December 19
2025 Dates
January 23 | *No meeting in February*
March 27 | April 24 | May 22
Time: 10 am - 11 am
Age: 2-5 years old
Registration opens the first Thursday of every month at 9 am.
Woodcarvers of all skill levels are invited to join this fun and creative workshop. The Smoky Hollow Carvers gather to work on current projects, share ideas and learn from one another.
Date: Meets every Wednesday @ Stough Canyon Nature Center
Time: 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Cost: No registration fee. Optional materials list and fee available upon request.
*Please note this workshop is not to teach new woodcarvers, but rather for current woodcarvers to have a general meeting place to work on projects and add on to their skills.*
The Stough Canyon Nature Center plays host to a number of classes offered through the Parks & Recreation Department. Visit burbankparks.com to explore the opportunities offered in the Burbank Recreation Guide.
Birthday Parties & Room Rentals
Go! Party
Take a walk on the wild side and celebrate your special day at the Stough Canyon Nature Center. Parties include hiking and nature themed activities that are sure to make your party animals roar! Go! Parties are suggested for ages 5-10. Max capacity is 50 people.
Package Includes:
2 experienced Burbank Parks and Recreation staff
3 hour room reservation
1.5 hours of organized nature themed activities, including a hike
Souvenir for guest of honor
Printable Party Invitations
Non-refundable Application Fee: $32
Residents: $410 for 20 children
Non-Residents: $460 for 20 children
Each additional child is $8
Refundable Deposit: $109 for residents, $162 for non-residents
To request a date for a birthday party visit burbankparks.com.
*Prices are subject to change*
The Stough Canyon Nature Center classroom and amphitheater are available for rent for meetings or events. Rentals are a minimum of two hours. Max capacity is 50 people for the classroom and 100 for the amphitheater.
Cost for Classroom:
Non-refundable Application Fee: $32
Resident: $170 for two hours
Non-residents: $260 for two hours
Refundable Deposit: $109 for residents, $162 for non-resident
- Each Additional Hour: $85 for residents, $85 for non-residents
Non-refundable Application Fee: $32
Residents: $170 for two hours
Non-residents: $260 for two hours
Refundable Deposit: $109 for residents, $162 for non-residents
- Each Additional Hour: $85 for residents, $85 for non-residents
Cost for Room with Amphitheater:
Non-refundable Application Fee: $32
Residents: $282 for two hours
Non-residents: $424 for two hours
Refundable Deposit: $109 for residents, $162 for non-residents
Each Additional Hour: $141 for residents, $212 for non-residents
To request a date for a room rental visit burbankparks.com.
Nature Center facility rental flyer
*Prices are subject to change*