Burbank News


City of Burbank Mayor Appointed as Executive Committee Member for Los Angeles – San Diego – San Luis Obispo Rail Corridor Agency Board

Burbank, CA (March 25, 2022) – City of Burbank Mayor Jess Talamantes has been appointed to the Executive Committee as a fourth voting member for the Los Angeles – San Diego – San Luis Obispo Rail Corridor (LOSSAN) Rail Corridor Agency Board.

LOSSAN Rail Corridor Agency is a joint powers authority that works to increase ridership, revenue, capacity, reliability, coordination, and safety on the coast rail line between San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Luis Obispo. It is governed by an 11-member Board of Directors composed of elected officials representing rail owners, operators, and planning agencies along the rail corridor. The LOSSAN Agency is staffed by the Orange County Transportation Authority.

“I am excited to have been voted in to serve on the Executive Committee for the LOSSAN Rail Corridor Agency. Since being appointed to the Board by Kathryn Barger and Los Angeles County Metro Board in 2019, I’ve been honored to represent LA County and keep the region and Burbank at the forefront of the conversation. I look forward to continuing to advocate for LA County and our region in this new role as executive committee member,” said Mayor Jess Talamantes.

For more information about LOSSAN Rail Corridor Agency, please visit https://www.octa.net/LOSSAN-Rail-Corridor-Agency/Overview/.

Published on: March 25, 2022
04:31 AM