Burbank News


Community Development Department Presenting Housing Element Update on May 25

Burbank, CA (May 21, 2021) - The City of Burbank Community Development Department will be presenting a proposed draft of the 6th Cycle (2021-2029) Burbank Housing Element Update, along with State-required updates to the Safety Element and revisions to incorporate environmental justice goals, policies and objectives throughout the Burbank2035 General Plan.
To find out more of participate, you can call the Project Planner, Lisa Frank, at 818-238-5250, email the Project Planner at: [email protected] or at [email protected] , and you can view documents related to the Housing Element Update at: https://www.burbankhousingelement.com/ 
You may also participate in the City Council meeting to discuss the Housing Element and General Plan Updates on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. held via video/telephone conference.  Instructions on how to view the meeting and submit comments during the meeting will be posted online prior to the meeting date at: https://www.burbankca.gov/web/city-clerks-office/meeting-agendas-and-minutes

Published on: May 21, 2021
08:02 AM