Notice of Annual Arterial Pavement Rehabilitation Project
Project Description: This project will improve segments of three arterial streets, Victory Blvd. from W. Verdugo Ave to W. Linden Ave at the City Limit, 1st St. / Ikea Way from E. Olive Ave. to E. Verdugo Ave.*, and Alameda Blvd. from Lima St. to N. California St. This project includes resurfacing of the roadway and reconstruction of damaged or substandard curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and pedestrian ramps. (see Project Location Map).
Working days are Monday through Friday, 7am to 5pm. Vehicular traffic will remain open during construction but will be restricted during certain operations. The contractor will distribute notifications to impacted residents in advance and will post “NO PARKING” signs 48 hours in advance of work, in areas where parking restrictions will be necessary.
Construction activities are scheduled to start in March with an anticipated completion date of May 2025.
The City’s contractor, Hardy & Harper Inc., will be performing the asphalt and concrete improvement work. If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please contact the contractor first to receive the most up to date schedule information.
- Luis Olmos (Foreman) (909) 963-2696
- Marie Ayala (Project Manager) (714) 444-1851 Ext. 150
- Hardy & Harper, Inc. office (714) 444-1851
- Moji Shah (310) 975-4117
- Frank Nerthling (Project Manager) (818) 238-3990
- City of Burbank Public Works Office (818) 238-3915