Burbank News


Re-Scheduled Due to Weather: East Olive Reconfiguration Restriping Project Set for March 24–27, 2025

BURBANK, CA [March 14, 2025] — Due to forecasted rain, the East Olive Reconfiguration Restriping Project has been rescheduled from March 17-20 to March 24-27, 2025.

The City of Burbank is set to begin the East Olive Reconfiguration Restriping Project, a roadway improvement effort designed to enhance safety and better integrate Olive Avenue with the surrounding residential neighborhood. The project will adjust lane striping on Olive Avenue between Glenoaks Boulevard and Sunset Canyon Drive to address residents’ concerns and provide additional separation between parked and traveling vehicles.

The East Olive Reconfiguration Restriping Project will modify the current roadway layout by widening on-street parking spaces and slightly narrowing the center turning lane to accommodate this improvement. These changes aim to improve roadway safety for all users.  The number of and width of travel lanes will remain the same. 

Project Schedule & Traffic Impacts

  • Roadwork Dates: March 24–27, 2025 (schedule subject to weather conditions)
  • Work Hours: 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM
  • Traffic Impacts: East Olive Avenue is expected to remain accessible during the restriping process. However, drivers and residents should anticipate temporary lane closures, lane shifts, cone patterns, and roadwork equipment and personnel during this time.

The original reconfiguration of East Olive Avenue was installed in February 2024 as part of the Citywide Residential Paving Program, which maintains Burbank’s streets in good condition. In November 2024, the Burbank City Council directed staff to modify the striping in the project area to improve safety and respond to community feedback.

For more information about the East Olive Reconfiguration Restriping Project, please visit the project page:  burbankca.gov/web/community-development/east-olive-avenue-reconfiguration-project

Published on: March 14, 2025
11:31 AM