Measure RC
Measure rc (failed nOVEMBER 3, 2020)
Measure RC Ballot Language
Shall the measure adding an ordinance with just cause eviction provisions and relocation fees, rent regulations applicable to units built before February 1, 1995, with exemptions, limits of 0 to 7% increase in annual rent based on CPI, an updated five member Landlord Tenant Commission to implement provisions and administration including establish a budget, assess fees, hire staff including attorneys, and initiate lawsuits while acting independently of Burbank City Council, Burbank City Manager and Burbank City Attorney be adopted?
Yes No
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Votes cast in favor “Yes”: 17,994 (36.21%)
Votes cast in opposition “No”: 31,697 (63.79%)
Measure RC Documents
Committees Supporting or Opposing Measure RC / Comités apoyando o oponiendo Medida RC
Additional Election Resources