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City Council Goals

On January 23, 2025, the Burbank City Council held a Goal Setting Special Meeting to establish its priorities for the year. These goals will guide and determine the types of initiatives and policies that City staff will focus on throughout the next two years.

The Meeting kicked off with a presentation lead by City-contracted facilitator, Riva Feldman former City Manager of Malibu. The City Council then reviewed, amended, and adopted three documents: “How We Work Together as a Team,” “Expectations of Staff,” and “Council Code of Conduct.” 

The session continued with a discussion of goals within seven key categories. These categories include:

  1. City Services
  2. Economic Development
  3. Housing
  4. Public Safety
  5. Quality of Life
  6. Sustainability and Resiliency
  7. Transportation
Each Councilmember contributed their unique input and priorities, ensuring a diverse platform of ideas and perspectives. Each of the established priorities will be developed  with actionable goals and presented for Council approval at a future date. 

“The Council’s leadership and active participation in the goal-setting process are vital to shaping Burbank’s future,” said City Manager Justin Hess. “By establishing these clear priorities, the Council helps lay the foundation for the City ensuring that we’re moving forward in a direction that keeps Burbank thriving as a great place to live and do business for years to come.”

Watch the Goal Setting Meeting on YouTube.