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Legislative Platform

Legislative Platform

Legislative Platform 2024 Image The purpose of the City of Burbank's Legislative Platform (PDF) is to clearly outline the City's position on priority issues that impact the City’s ability to operate effectively while allowing the consideration of additional legislative and budget issues that arise during the legislative session.

In consultation with the City’s State and Federal advocacy firms, the priorities throughout the platform are intended to assist the Mayor, Council Members, and staff to appropriately address legislation to promote City interests and preserve local control and local legislative authority.

more information
Cal Cities Advocacy: https://www.calcities.org/home/advocacy

California Legislature: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/home.xhtml

National League of Cities (Federal advocacy campaigns): https://www.nlc.org/advocacy/
Senator Caroline Menjivar: https://sd20.senate.ca.gov/

Assembly Member Nick Schultz: https://a44.asmdc.org/
Congresswoman Laura Friedman: https://friedman.house.gov/ 

Senator Adam Schiff:

Senator Alex Padilla: https://www.padilla.senate.gov