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Development Impact Fees

About Development Impact Fees

Development impact fees (DIF) allow cities to collect fees from new development projects to fund improvements that address those projects’ impacts to the City’s infrastructure and facilities. To impose DIF’s, a jurisdiction must prepare a study showing that reasonable connection (nexus) exists between the impacts caused by new development and the capital improvements needed to address those impacts. This study must also calculate the proportional fee that can be assessed on each project that pays for that project’s share of the impact. 

Since its inception, DIF’s have contributed to the community in a variety of ways through partially funding capital projects, such as: Park facilities, Verdugo Pool renovation; Central Library Children’s and Teens’ Areas; Buena Vista Library improvements, operating equipment; Police and Fire Headquarters building; Traffic signal synchronization; Interstate 5 / Empire Interchange; Chandler Bikeway and Burbank Channel Bikeway.  

What's Next?

On June 21, 2022, City Council voted unanimously to adopt the updated Development Impact Fee (DIF) program. The changes, which will go into effect starting August 21st, include the City Council’s request to include a tiered system to incentivize affordable housing production. The updated DIF Ordinance also makes the following changes to the DIF program:

  • Updates existing fees; adds an Information Technology fee; implements the Transportation fee on Residential Uses; establishes fee for lodging use; sets fee levels at 80% cost recovery; and provides other amendments to the Burbank Municipal Code to conform with State law provisions. 

By adopting these changes, City Council set the appropriate DIF levels that strike the balance between requiring new development to contribute toward their impacts on needed infrastructure while at the same time supporting other City goals required to build and protect neighborhoods.

Contact Information

For more information, please call the main Transportation number at (818) 238-5290 or e-mail [email protected].

DIF Documents

On April 6th, 2022 the City of Burbank Community held an online Community Meeting  on the proposed updates to the Development Impact Fees program. Development Impact Fees are fees charged to new development projects to offset the impacts to certain city infrastructure systems caused by the new development.  The proposed updates would modify Title 10, Chapter 1, Article 22 of the Burbank Municipal Code relating to Community Facility Fees. 

Presentation (PDF)
Q&A Responses (PDF)

For more information about the community meeting please contact the Senior Analyst, Beverly Ibarra, at [email protected].

This community workshop was held online as the City balances the health risks associated with COVID-19 during the current State of Emergency and in the interest of public health and safety.
On Monday, May 9, 2022, the Planning Board held a public hearing to consider the proposed updates to Community Facility Fees (Title 10, Chapter 1, Article 22 of the Burbank Municipal Code). This included a comprehensive update to the City’s Development Fee Program. Planning Board considered staff’s recommendation and, after deliberation, voted 4-0 and approved recommending to the City Council the proposed updates to the DIF ordinance

Staff Report (PDF)
Planning Board Resolution No. 3045 (PDF)
In June 2022, City of Burbank City Council held a public hearing to introduce and consider adoption of the proposed ordinance updating Community Facility Fees (Title 10, Chapter 1, Article 22 of the Burbank Municipal Code) and adoption of the City of Burbank Development Impact Fee (DIF) Nexus Study, as recommended by the City of Burbank Planning Board on May 9, 2022. This included a comprehensive update to the City’s DIF Program as supported by a nexus study. DIFs are fees charged to new development projects to offset the impacts to certain city infrastructure systems caused by the new development. Proposed changes included: 1) updating existing fees as supported by the nexus study, 2) applying the Transportation fee to residential land uses, and 3) adding an Information Technology fee to the Community Facilities Non-Transportation Fee. On June 21, 2022, City Council voted unanimously to adopt the updated Development Impact Fee program as proposed, and added a tiered system to incentivize affordable housing production.
Public Hearing: Introduction of an Ordinance Amending Title 10, Chapter 1, Article 22 of the Burbank Municipal Code to Update Community Facility Fees 
Staff Report (PDF)
Attachment 1 (PDF)
Attachment 2 (PDF)
Attachment 3 (PDF)
Attachment 4 (PDF)
Attachment 5 (PDF)
Attachment 6 (PDF)
Attachment 7 (PDF)
Attachment 8 (PDF)
Attachment 9 (PDF)
Correspondences (PDF)
Additional Documents - Staff Report (PDF)
PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)

Second Reading: Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Burbank Municipal Code Title 10, Chapter 1, Article 22 Related to Community Facility Fees
Staff Report (PDF)
Attachment 1 (PDF)
Attachment 2 (PDF)
Ordinance No. 22-3,976 (PDF)
Resolution No. 22-29,327 (PDF)