Historic Preservation Planning
The foundation of the City's historic preservation program is the Preservation Regulations, also known as the Historic Resource Management Ordinance. The Ordinance contains the procedures for designating and maintaining historic properties and establishes the duties and responsibilities of the Heritage Commission. In addition, the Historic Preservation Plan also sets forth guidelines and policies for historic preservation in the City of Burbank.
In 2009, a Historic Context Report, which documents the history of Burbank's built environment and identify periods of significance over the course of Burbank's history, was completed.
In 2014, the Los Angeles Conservancy released a County-wide Preservation Report Card, which gave Burbank a grade of A and noted the City's improvement over the past few years.
Community Services Building
150 N. Third Street
Burbank, CA 91502
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m
(818) 238-5250