Affordable Housing
Find affordable housing through the resources provided below.
Home Again Los Angeles
Visit: https://www.homeagainla.org/
Home Again LA, in partnership with the City of Burbank, is offering a Rapid Rehousing program for Burbank households experiencing or on the verge of homelessness. Click here for more information
Home Again LA is now operating a community resource program. Lifting People Up CityWide!, a program for Burbank residents who are in need of resources leading to financial, employment, and housing stability. Click here for more information
Homeownership Interest List
Forgivable Equity Builder Loan
The Forgivable Equity Builder Loan gives first-time homebuyers a head start on this with immediate equity in their homes via a loan of up to 10% of the purchase price of the home. The loan is forgivable if the borrower continuously occupies the home as their primary residence for five years.
Call (877) 922-5432
Visit https://www.calhfa.ca.gov/homebuyer/programs/forgivable.htmCalifornia Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA)
California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA) is chartered as the state's affordable housing lender. CalHFA supports the needs of homebuyers by providing mortgage loans and down payment assistance to low and moderate income Californians.
Visit www.calhfa.ca.gov/homebuyer/index.htm
Call (877) 922-5432California Mortgage Relief Program
The California Mortgage Relief Program help homeowners get caught up on their housing payments. The California Mortgage Relief Program is part of the state’s Housing is Key initiative.
Visit www.camortgagerelief.org/The California Dream for All Loan
The Dream for All Shared Appreciation Loan is a down payment assistance program for fist-time homebuyers to be used in conjunction with the Dream for All Conventional first mortgage for down payment and/or closing costs. Upon sale of transfers of the home, the homebuyer repays the original down payment loan, plus a share of the appreciation in the value of the home. Visit www.calhfa.ca.gov/dream/index.htm