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Landlord-Tenant Commission & Housing Resources

Landlord Tenant Commission

Landlord Tenant Commission 

The Landlord Tenant Commission is a volunteer commission to educate and provide information to the public for residential landlord-tenant issues.  

The commission does not have any legal authority and does not provide legal advice.  

For legal assistance, please refer to the list of no-cost/low-cost resources on the Housing Resources page.

  • When: First Monday of the month (unless otherwise posted)

  • Time: 6:15 p.m. 

  • Location: Community Services Building, 150 N. Third St., Burbank, Room 104 map

For assistance with resolving residential landlord-tenant questions or issues, complete the landlord-tenant form below and return it to the Housing Authority Office through email at [email protected].

Should you plan to attend the next Landlord Tenant Commission meeting, please consider filling out and turning in a form so your case can be timely placed on a future agenda for discussion.  However, you do not need to attend the meeting to have your case assigned for review.  

Tenant/Landlord Housing Complaint Form (PDF)


20 Most Frequently Asked Landlord-Tenant Questions (PDF)

Landlord-Tenant Resources (PDF)

Housing Resources (PDF) 

Other resources

City of Burbank Eviction Ordinance Sunsets Replaced by State Law SB 91 for Residential Evictions

The City of Burbank's Tenant Protection Ordinance (TPO) has been effective since August 31, 2024, and applies to all residential rental units covered by California's Tenant Protection Act (AB1482/SB567).

The City Council has held several meetings during calendar year 2023 through June 2024 to discuss and address residential tenant and landlord protections.  A timeline and summary of Council meetings and actions is posted here. 

For any questions on this continued discussion, please contact the Housing office at (818) 238-5180.

Additional information about the Burbank Tenant Protection Ordinance is available here: https://www.burbankca.gov/tenantprotections

The City Council meetings will be held in the City Council Chambers in City Hall at 275 E. Olive Avenue in Burbank.

The meeting agenda and the Project’s staff report will be posted online prior to the meeting date at  https://www.burbankca.gov/web/city-clerks-office/meeting-agendas-and-minutes

Assembly Bill 1482: Tenant Protection Act of 2019 v 2

Assembly Bill (AB) 1482 was signed by Governor Gavin Newsom on October 8, 2019.  This new law put in place statewide rent caps along with just cause eviction standards for specific multifamily and rental properties.  The law went into effect beginning January 1, 2020, and will run through January 1, 2030. 

AB 1482 Rent Cap Provision Excerpt
The law states “an owner of residential real property shall not, over the course of any 12-month period, increase the gross rental rate for a dwelling or a unit more than 5 percent plus the percentage change in the cost of living, or 10 percent, whichever is lower, of the lowest gross rental rate charged for that dwelling or unit at any time during the 12 months prior to the effective date of the increase.”  Furthermore, the law defines “Percentage change in the cost of living” as “the percentage change from April 1 of the prior year to April 1 of the current year in the regional Consumer Price Index for the region where the residential real property is located, as published by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. If a regional index is not available, the California Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for all items, as determined by the Department of Industrial Relations, shall apply.” 

Equal Opportunity and Fair Housing


Fair Housing Laws prohibit discrimination based on:

  • Race or Color
  • National Original or Ancestry
  • Religion
  • Gender
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Marital Status
  • Age / Familial Status (having children or being pregnant)
  • Mental or Physical Disability
  • Source of Income

Resources on Fair Housing:

Burbank Housing Authority contact info
150 N. Third Street, 2nd Floor
Burbank, CA 91502 
Email Address
[email protected]