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Metro NoHo-Pasadena Corridor Bus Rapid Transit Project

Metro NoHo-Pasadena Corridor Bus Rapid Transit Project

LA County Metro is developing the North Hollywood to Pasadena Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project. The 18 mile high-quality regional transit project would connect the Metro North Hollywood Red Line Station with the Metro Gold Line in Pasadena. The project would connect North Hollywood, the Burbank Media District, Downtown Burbank, Glendale, the Eagle Rock, and Pasadena. A BRT is a bus corridor that operates like a light rail line, and includes rail-like stations, frequent bus service, and roadway improvements like bus lanes and traffic signal priority that allows the bus to bypass congesion.

Contact the Metro Project Team and your Metro Board of Directors Representatives

Metro Project Manager: Scott Hartwell
Email:  [email protected]
 (213) 418-3228 

Metro Board of Directors Member - County Supervisor Kathryn Barger
Metro Board of Directors Member - Glendale Councilmember Ara Najarian
To send written correspondence:
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
RE: Noho to Pasadena BRT Project
One Gateway Plaza
Mail Stop 99-2-6
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Additional Public Outreach and New Project Alignment Options Presented

In May 2021, the Metro Board approved the project alignment but directed its staff to continue working with the City of Burbank to address its concerns with the project. As part of the City of Burbank’s comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report, the Burbank City Council requested two changes to the project operating in Burbank: 
1)  convert the bus-only lane on Olive Avenue to mixed-flow (buses operate with regular cars) to preserve parking and prevent street widening, and;
2) reconfigure the Olive Avenue overpass to construct a BRT station directly above the Metrolink Station to provide a seamless connection to the trains below
In response to the City's request, in October 2021 Metro presented an additional project alternative to provide bus lanes on Olive Avenue.  The two options Metro is now considering include:
Option 1:  Curb Running Bus Lane with Street Parking Removed
Reconfigure Olive to provide 2 vehicle lanes each direction, center turn lane, and one bus lane each direction. Street parking removal and 1-2 feet of widening each side would be required

Option 2: Side Running Bus Lane with Travel Lane Removed
Reconfigure Olive to provide 1 vehicle lane each direction, center turn lane, and one bus lane each direction.  Street parking on Olive would remain, and no widening would be required.
Next Steps
The next step in the project is for Metro to prepare a Final Environmental Impact Report, which is a document required by the California Environmental Quality Act.  The purpose of the FEIR is for Metro to formally respond to all the comments received during the Draft Environmental Impact Report public comment period, which occurred in late 2020.  Once this document is released, the public is provided with a 10-day public comment period to provide additional comments on the project.  After the FEIR public comment period, the Metro Board of Directors will be asked to approve the FEIR and approve the project to move forward to design and construction.

Metro expects to return to the Board of Directors in late 2021 or early 2022 to seek approval of the Final Environmental Impact Report and to make a final approval on the project alignment during a public meeting where the public can provide comments.  Metro indicates this will likely occur in late January 2022 during the regular Metro Board of Directors meeting. In addition, the Burbank City Council will be asked to approve a FEIR comment letter and to take a formal position on the project in January 2021.

Should the project be approved, construction would begin in 2023 and the project would open in 2024.

Draft Environmental Impact Report and Metro Board Approval

Metro completed a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the project in late 2020, and is now responding to all the comments received during the public comment period.  In addition, in Spring 2021 the Metro Board of Directors voted to approve the project's alignment and proceed with preparation of a Final Environmental Impact Report, while directing staff to work with the City of Burbank and the other corridor cities to address comments received.  Metro continues to receive comments about the project, and Metro's project contact information is listed below:

Email: [email protected]
 Phone: (213) 418-3228
Scott Hartwell (Project Manager)
One Gateway Plaza
Mail Stop 99-2-6
Los Angeles, CA 90012


The Metro Community Meeting for Burbank will take place twice on October 7, 2021 via Zoom. Join the meeting that fits your schedule. 

Thursday, October 7
11AM - 1PM 
Link: bit.ly/burbankmtg1
Phone: (888) 788-0099
Access code: 821 5810 4824

5PM - 7PM 
Link: bit.ly/burbankmtg2
Phone: (888) 788-0099
Access code: 852 3559 2359