Plan Check Review
This team is responsible for the Plan Check Review of new construction, additions, and remodels of residential and commercial properties.
Plan Check Thresholds for Electrical, Mechanical, and Plumbing
Permits are not only required for new construction, additions and remodels but for most types of mechanical, electrical and plumbing work. Depending on the scope of work, plans for mechanical, electrical and plumbing projects may need to be Plan Checked. To determine whether a project needs Plan Check, please check this list (PDF) of Plan Check Thresholds for Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing which is pasted below.
The following are thresholds that require plan check for electrical, mechanical and plumbing installations. Installations meeting any of the criteria below shall first be submitted with an application for plan check with appropriate drawings, details, calculations and fees. Plans for final approval must bear the seal and signature of a registered electrical or mechanical engineer as appropriate, or a registered civil engineer or licensed architect. Plans must match with the corresponding architectural, fire, planning and other associated drawings.
Electrical Thresholds
- Electrical services, switchboards, subpanels, multi-meter panels, motor control centers, equipment or feeders rated 400 Amp or more (Exception: Up to and including 400A services and panelboards for Single Family Dwellings)
- Transformers rated 112.5 KVA or more
- Equipment greater than 600 Volts
- Lighting installations more than 1,000 square feet in area
- Solar photovoltaic systems greater than 10KW
- Wind power generating systems
- Electrical systems in hazardous locations (gas stations, auto repair garages, etc.)
- Emergency power systems, legally required standby systems, and critical operations power systems (generator, storage battery, UPS, etc.)
- Licensed OSHPD-3 Clinics
- Complex electrical systems as determined by the Building Official
Mechanical Thresholds
- Commercial kitchens, barber/beauty salons, or nail salons
- Kitchen hoods (Type I or II)
- Commercial HVAC systems greater than 10,000 CFM or more than 1,000 square feet in area
- Enclosed parking garage mechanical ventilation systems
- Smoke evacuation systems
- Licensed OSHPD-3 Clinics
- Complex mechanical systems as determined by the Building Official
Plumbing Thresholds
- Potable water piping 2-inches or larger
- Combination waste & vent systems
- Sanitary drainage system greater than 216 fixture units
- Interceptors, grease traps, clarifiers or sewage ejectors
- Reclaimed, geothermal or gray water systems
- Fuel gas systems greater than 500,000 BTU/Hr design load, serving more than 10 outlets Medium pressure gas systems
- Licensed OSHPD-3 Clinics
- Complex plumbing systems as determined by the Building Official
Conventional Light Frame Construction (PDF) - The files contain details of prescriptive requirements for Conventional Light Frame Construction, commonly referred to as Type 5. These requirements may not be deviated from unless a licensed engineer or architect provides California Building Code adhering justification for said deviation.
The ProjectDox site may be accessed from this link: https://eplans.burbankca.gov/ProjectDox/.
Please note that first-time users and new applications require an electronic invitation to set up an account after emailing their completed application to [email protected]. Please provide the following information in your email:
- Completed Building Permit Application listed below.
- If this project has gone through an entitlement process, attach approval letter
- Name of the person who will be uploading the plans
- Email address of the person who will be uploading the plans
- Phone number of the person who will be uploading the plans
- Project address
- Project description
- Area of work (square feet) of addition/remodel or Commercial Tenant Improvement work
- Type of construction
- Occupancy group
- Project valuation
- List all trades plans that will be submitted (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Civil, Landscape, etc.)
Applications can be found here: https://www.burbankca.gov/web/community-development/building-permit-applications
Click here for a handout (PDF) on how to download and submit plans through ProjectDox. Once granted access to ProjectDox, you may upload plans. Here are suggestion on files types and uploading:
Submitted Plans
- Preferred File types is PDF (no URLs or hyperlinks)
- Upload each page of the drawings as an individual file
- Upload files in landscape orientation.
- The files shall be named in the following format:
“Sheet number-Sheet description” (maximum 32 characters)
Example: AS1-Site Plan - Exclude extraneous information in the file names such as dates, version numbers, etc.
Supporting Document Files
- Preferred File type is PDF
- Support files that are required for the project shall be uploaded in the supporting documents as multipage documents.
What to Expect:
In the first 48 to 72 hours of the review process, plans will be screened by the Planning Division for project viability in relation to Burbank’s municipal code per zoning standards (Zoning Pre-Clearance). If the Planning Division determines that the project Zoning Pre-Clearance cannot be granted (examples might include submittal of incomplete plans, unclear project description, a scope of work that triggers a Planning entitlement, or unpaid Planning Division processing fees), a Planner will contact the customer to provide an explanation and direction on what is needed in order to grant Zoning Pre-Clearance.
How to Check Your Status in ProjectDox:
We encourage you to check yor progress periodically by following the steps below
- Click on PROJECT REPORTS (top right corner)
- In the pop-up window choose your workflow from the drop-down and click VIEW REPORT.
- Click the (+) next to cycle 1 to expand your first review comments, or click the (+) next to cycle 2 for the second cycle, and so on.
For more information, customers can contact the Building Division via email at [email protected] or via phone at (818) 238-5220. Planning Division may be contacted at [email protected].
- When will I be notified of corrections?
- I am trying to upload corrections, but it won’t allow me to upload. Please send me task to upload.
- I received a Task “Notify in Review” but when I log into Project Dox I don’t see a task. What should I do?
- When should I pay for plan check fees? How can I pay?
- I uploaded my plans, did you receive it?
- How do you know which upload is the most recent version?
- What is the review time?
- What is my status?
1-click on PROJECT REPORTS (top right corner)
2-click icon next to DEPARTMENT REVIEW STATUS
3-in the pop-up window, choose your workflow from the drop-down, and click view report.
4-click the (+) next to cycle 1 to expand your first review comments (or next to 2 for the second cycle, etc).
Community Services Building
First Floor
150 N. Third Street
Burbank, CA 91502
Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Closed for Lunch
12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m.
*Last tickets issued 15 minutes prior to lunch break and closing.