Downtown San Fernando Boulevard Reconfiguration Project
Downtown San Fernando Boulevard Reconfiguration Project

Project Background:
- Adopted as part of the City’s Complete Our Streets Plan by the City Council in 2020.
- Introduces a one-way northbound traffic lane for streamlined movement and makes Downtown more walkable.
- This phase consists of a 12-month pilot program using low-capital cost quick-built materials like striping, flexible plastic bollards, and planters.
- Public outreach was conducted before and during the project design process.
- The design of this project was approved by the City Council in January 2023.
- A pre-project traffic analysis was conducted analyzing vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle volumes; speeds; crosswalk yield compliance; traffic collisions; loading activity; on-street parking inventory; and a survey of Downtown Burbank businesses.
- Improve walkability throughout Downtown Burbank.
- Support Downtown Burbank’s continued economic growth and development.
- Improve visibility of pedestrians using crosswalks.
- Address double parking, parking in red curbs, and illegal U-turns.
- Address lack of commercial loading zones and short-term parking on this segment of San Fernando Boulevard.
- Enhances pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular safety
- Improves walkability
- Introduces more vehicle loading zones to support businesses
- Increases short-term parking for retail activities
- Improves existing on-street and ADA parking
- November 3, 2022 - Downtown Burbank Property Based Business Improvement District (PBID) Meeting
- November 9, 2022 - Community Meeting
- November 21, 2022- Transportation Commission Meeting
- December 1, 2022 - Community Meeting
- December 2, 2022 - Downtown Burbank Cultural Market
- December 3, 2022 - Downtown Burbank Farmer’s Market
- January 10, 2023 - City Council Public Hearing for Approval of the Final Design
- July 17, 2023 - Transportation Commission Meeting
- October 12, 2023 – Downtown Burbank Property Based Business Improvement District (PBID) Meeting
- City staff will collect data, gather feedback from businesses and stakeholders in Downtown, and analyze the effectiveness of the reconfiguration.
- City staff will present 6-month and 12-month post installation updates to the City Council.