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Investor & Bond Information

Accounting monitors all outstanding bond obligations for the City and its related agencies. Responsibilities include:

  • Bond debt service payments
  • Bondholder relations
  • Coordination of arbitrage covenants
  • Meeting bond covenants

Burbank has two bond trustees; Bank of New York and Wells Fargo.

Outstanding bonds & bondholder information
View the PDFs of the various bonds in the tables below.

Bonds with Bank of New York (BNY)

Bonds with Bank of New York (BNY)

Bond Issue Issue Date Issue Amount Maturity Date
2014 Series A Wastewater Treatment Revenue Bonds 05/20/2014 $10,575,000 06/01/2033


Bondholder Relations
Bank of New York - Corporate Trust Operations
Fiscal Agencies
101 Barkley, 7 East
New York, NY 10286

Phone: (800) 438-5473

Bonds with ComputerShare

Bonds with ComputerShare

Bond Issue Issue Date Issue Amount Maturity Date
2015 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds 03/03/2015 $41,020,000 12/01/2033
2017 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds 09/28/2017 $33,020,000 12/01/2043


Bondholder Relations
Computershare Corporate Trust
1505 Energy Park Drive
St Paul, MN 55108

Phone: (800) 344-5128

Bonds with U.S. Bank

Bonds with US Bank

Bondholder Relations

U.S. Bank Global Corporate Trust Attn: Bondholder Services - EP-MN-WS2N
111 Fillmore Avenue East St Paul, MN 55107-1402

Phone: (800) 934-6802