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Art in Public Places

The City of Burbank’s Art in Public Places Program was established in 1992 and requires 1% of major construction project costs be allocated towards on-site art or to a public art fund. This program has made it possible for recognized artists to enhance public spaces throughout the City with sculpture, murals, and environs. To date, there are over 130 Art in Public Places art pieces in Burbank.

The Burbank Art in Public Places Ordinance was passed in May 1992.  It requires that 1% of major construction project costs be allocated towards on-site art, or if desired, be placed in the Public Art Fund, which is utilized to enhance or maintain art located on public land.

For more information, please visit: BMC 10-1-1114: Art in Public Places
Johnny Carson Park, a 17-acre regional park located at 400 Bob Hope Drive in Burbank, California, serves as a vital community hub for various activities. The park's stage lacks a shade structure, prompting the City to seek creative ideas for an artistic shade structure that enhances both the stage's functionality and the park's aesthetics.

We invite all interested artists to register with the City’s PlanetBids website so they can receive an invitation to the Request for Qualifications.  Registration is free of charge, and PlanetBids will serve as the exclusive platform for sending and receiving information about this competitive solicitation. To register, please visit: https://pbsystem.planetbids.com/portal/14210/portal-home.

This project is part of the City’s Art in Public Places Program. Founded in 1992, the Program requires new development projects exceeding a construction budget of $500,000 to contribute 1% of construction costs toward qualified on-site public art. Alternatively, developers may elect to contribute their art obligation to the City’s Art in Public Places Fund. These non-taxpayer dollars are used to fund, enhance, and maintain art in public spaces. The Johnny Carson Park Shade Structure Public Art Project represents a significant investment in the beautification of Burbank's parks and the enrichment of its community through the introduction of public art.


Art in Public Places
(818) 238-5300
[email protected]