Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How many dogs and cats am I allowed to have in the City of Burbank?
You are allowed to have a total of four combined. Each animal must also be registered with the City of Burbank.
What if the shelter is closed and I need assistance?
Phone messages are checked often; an officer will call you in a timely manner. If you have an emergency, you should call the Burbank Police Department at (818) 238-3000. Emergencies may include injured animals and dog bites. All other inquiries can be left on the shelter voice mail at (818) 238-3340.
Can I turn my animal in to the shelter?
If you are a Burbank resident and you have proof of residency, you may turn your animal in to the shelter. We strongly recommend that you try to place the animal yourself by asking family members or friends. If you have a purebred dog, consider calling a rescue for that specific breed. Although we do have a high adoption rate, we cannot guarantee that your animal will be adopted. It is always best to try to find a home for your animal on your own; the shelter should be your last resort.
The Rehome program by Adopt-A-Pet is a great resource pet owners can use to find new homes for their pets. It is a peer-to-peer adoption service that allows pet owners to post pets on the Adopt-A-Pet website, visited by millions each month, and review adoption applications themselves. Get started.
How long are animals kept at the Burbank Animal Shelter?
Stray animals are held for six days for their owner to claim them [BMC 5-1-212]. Animals are then made available after the review date listed on their kennel card. Animals are put up for adoption and available to the public as long as they are healthy and there are no behavioral issues.
Are you a “no kill” shelter?
The Burbank Animal Shelter, as a public operated shelter, cannot refuse to take in any animal; however we only accept animals that originate from within the City of Burbank. Our goal is to have every adoptable animal that we accept be adopted. Although our adoption rate is very high, certain animals are not adoptable due to their aggressive behavior, severe or incurable diseases, mortal injuries or other major afflictions. And occasionally we experience critical housing numbers due to an unexpected influx of abandoned animals. In these unfortunate cases we may be forced to euthanize animals.
When will you get kittens and puppies?
Kittens are born in the spring time up until the beginning of fall. Although we may get them year round, they mostly arrive after March. Puppies arrive year round. Puppies and kittens are not available for adoption until they are at least 8 weeks old.
Please consider adopting an adult animal before a young puppy or kitten since older animals are more difficult to place. Some adult dogs have already lived with families and are great with kids. These dogs don’t need as much training as puppies.
How often do you get new animals?
The shelter receives new animals every day. The animals we receive are generally found in the street or given up by their owners.
Can you call me when a certain breed comes in?
Unfortunately we cannot call you but we recommend that you check our website often to see what animals become available for adoption.
You may also visit 24 Pet Connect and search for a pet matching the description of what you are looking for.
Does the shelter offer spay and neuter services, vaccinations, veterinarian care, or boarding?
The Shelter does offer low cost vaccines for cats and dogs only. Contact the Shelter at (818) 238-3340 for more information on upcoming vaccine clinics. Appointments are required.