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Burbank Nutrition Services

Free Nutrition Education Event 

In celebration of National Nutrition Month this March, we are collaborating with the county and its dietary support team to host a tabling event. This event will focus on promoting healthy eating, featuring a fun food demonstration, providing nutrition tip sheets and handouts, and offering nutrition-related reinforcement items for participants. Event Flyer English. Event Flyer Spanish

Upcoming Events: 
-March 13, 2025 | 11:00 am | Tuttle Senior Center 
-March 18, 2025 | 11:00 am | Joslyn Adult Center 
-March 25, 2025 | 11:00 am | McCambridge Recreation Center 

March is National Nutrition Month 

March 2025 is National Nutrition Month. The theme for National Nutrition Month this year is “Food Connects Us."  Food is a connecting factor for many of us. Food connects us to our cultures, our families, and our friends. Sharing a meal is an opportunity to learn about its preparation, who made it, and where the ingredients were sourced. Health, memories, traditions, seasons, and access can all impact our relationship with food. While these factors influence the foods we eat, the foods we eat also affect our health. View more resources below. 

"Nourishing News" is a publication that provides great information and activities to learn more about a proper nutritious diet. Download the informational materials HERE!
Joslyn Adult Center| 1301 W Olive Ave| 818.238.5357
Tuttle Senior Center| 1731 N Ontario St| 818.238.5367
McCambridge Recreation Center| 1515 N Glenoaks Blvd| 818.238.5365

CalFresh Healthy Living Program 

The CalFresh Healthy Living Program (CFHLP) is a county funded nutrition program with funding from the United States Department of Agriculture's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - USDA SNAP. This program targets older adults, aged 60 and above, who receive services from or reside at income-qualified sites in LA County, as determined by the County of LA Aging & Disabilities Department. CFHLP provides participants with valuable nutrition education and healthy living information designed to increase their knowledge and abilities, help postpone or prevent nutrition-related chronic diseases and to enhance their physical, social and mental well-being. The CFHLP includes direct education, indirect education and Policy, system and Environment (PSE) projects. 

What is direct education? 

Direct education is delivered either in person or via a virtual platform. It features evidence-based programming through a series of one-hour classes held once a week for four weeks. Two of the four classes include a food demonstration. 

What is In-Person Indirect Education 

In-person indirect education, also known as Wiser Dining, consists of 20-minute demonstrations typically conducted over one or two weeks. These sessions address the specific needs of site participants, determined through communication with participants and site managers. Topics may include reducing sodium intake, increasing fruit and vegetable consumption, and budget-friendly eating. Participants also receive monthly nutrition education newsletters. 

What is policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) Projects?

Through interactions during direct and indirect education sessions and engagement with Congregate Meal Site and ENP Agency staff, the needs of the community and participants are assessed. This process generates ideas for Policy, Systems, and Environmental (PSE) projects aimed at reducing barriers to healthy eating and physical activity. An action plan is drafted based on these ideas and submitted to the County of LA Aging & Disabilities Department for approval before implementation. PSE activities may include community gardening, Farmers Market tours, collaboration with the Department of Social Services for CalFresh outreach, and partnerships with local organizations managing Farmers Markets. 


Grab & Go Meals 

Call the Burbank Nutrition Services office at your preferred pick-up location. Applicants must be age 60+:

Joslyn Adult Center
1301 W. Olive Avenue

McCambridge Recreation Center
1515 N. Glenoaks Boulevard

Tuttle Senior Center
1731 N. Ontario Street
Download and complete a Congregate Meal Intake Form. Submit form to [email protected].
Pick up your meals on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Participants are automatically registered for pick-up every week unless a cancellation is made.

Need to cancel a week? Call the office where you are registered.

Home Delivered Meals 

Call the Home Delivered Meals Program (HDM) at (818)238-5366 to register. Participants must be Burbank Residents age 60+.
Download the HDM Intake Form and HDM Client Agreement. Submit both forms to [email protected].
Be home for scheduled delivery. Need to cancel a week? Call the Home Delivered Meals Program (HDM) at (818)238-5366.  

For more information about HDM, download the HDM Guidelines.