Dick Clark Dog Park

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The City of Burbank recognizes the need for a dedicated space for pet owners to enjoy outdoor activities with their dogs, aligning with the City Council's goal to enhance residents' quality of life. The City is committed to providing the community with a dog park. 

2701 Riverside Drive

The establishment of an off-leash dog park in the City of Burbank (City) has been an ongoing topic of discussion since 1997 and has consistently been a key objective for the City's Parks and Recreation Department. The goal is to provide a dedicated outdoor space that promotes exercise and well-being for both dogs and their owners, aligning with the Department's overarching mission.
  • In-person Meeting | Saturday, March 2, 2023 | 10:00AM-11:00AM | Community Services Building - Room 104
    150 N 3rd St, Burbank, CA 91502
  • Virtual Meeting | Wednesday, March 6, 2023 | 6:00PM-7:00PM 

March & April 2015:

In collaboration with the Parks and Recreation Board, staff and AHBE Landscape facilitated several public meetings to gather community input on the development of an off-leash dog park including determining a preferred location and solicit ideas regarding facility amenities.

April 2015:

After considering several locations for the dog park the southern portion of Johnny Carson Park was selected as the ideal site for the dog park.

July 2020:

Council accepted a $150,000 sponsorship from The Kari and Dick Clark Foundation and approved an agreement naming the dog park, The Dick Clark Dog Park.

March 2022:

MIG Landscape Architecture (formerly AHBE Landscape) updated preliminary base maps for design studies and analysis. The Board selected a concept for the dog park project, suggesting additional seating and trash receptacles.

Spring 2023:

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power completed the River Supply Conduit Improvement Project and vacated the site.

February 2024:

Staff presented three 60% completed conceptual designs for the Park and Recreation Board’s consideration and selection.

March 2024:

Community informational meetings were held to provide an update on the Dick Clark Dog Park project. 
Summer 2024: 

Staff is working with RJM to finalize the construction documents and initiating the Request For Proposals process to go out for bid.

Dog Park Coming Soon! 

This project has been determined to be Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Guidelines 15332 (Class 32 Infill Exemption) and 15304 (Class 4 Minor Alterations Land).  The Project is utilizing an existing parcel of open land where minor modifications will take place to create a public dog park.  The dog park will remain as an open public space. A copy of the Notice of Exemption is available at the Parks and Recreation office at 150 N. Third Street in Burbank.

General Questions Contact Information 

Project Manager 

Mike del Campo
Assistant Director