Color Story - Disney Artists in Burbank

Color Story

The Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center will host a special exhibit featuring the unique perspectives of three accomplished Disney artists. With more than 60 combined years working at Disney Studios, the artists will share a different side with fine art in a variety of mediums including oil painting, acrylic, collage, sculpture, watercolor, block printing, and mixed media.

Christine Mallouf is the Visual Arts Director for the Conservatory of Fine Arts, which is part of the Los Angeles Unified School District. In addition, she teaches adult classes online and also basket weaving classes. Her passions are painting, sculpting, basket weaving, ceramics, and basically anything that has to do with art. Christine has worked at Disney, Warner Brothers, Klasky Csupo, Film Roman, and many other studios.

Art is very therapeutic and is good for the soul. The creative process opens your eyes to the world around you in a way that nothing else can.

Lureline Weatherly   
Art making has been the main focus of Lureline Weatherly’s life since childhood.  She also has a forty-plus year career in animation but remained devoted to her exploration and experimentation in her personal practice. There are currently four main series in progress. The first one deals with the place she lives in, a light industrial neighborhood. The second series is an outgrowth of the first, geometric in nature, and more abstract. The third series is pure abstraction and deals with memory, mystery, and color. The fourth and newest series is figurative and deals with memory and the feelings and thoughts we cannot express with language. In this last series, Lureline is using some old photos found in thrift stores and other places as well as photos from her own families’ past as a jumping-off point.

Robert Tyler
After graduating from Chouinard Art Institute where he focused on cartooning and life drawing, he eventually landed a job at the Walt Disney Studios in the mail room. As an African heritage man living in the 1960s, it wasn’t easy to get hired at Disney as an artist. Soon after, however, in 1967, he was given an animation desk and the opportunity to prove himself artistically. His first assignment was working with animator John Lounsbery on Robin Hood. Over the years, he worked for Filmation, Hanna-Barbera, Murakami-Wolf Productions, Chuck Jones Studio, Warner Bros., and more. After 40-plus years in animation, Tyler was ready for a new creative outlet. He turned to fine art, drawing inspiration from many places to depict subjects as varied as landscapes, faces, masks, cars, and music.

See more of Robert Tyler's work at Fine Art America 
Follow Robert Tyler on Instagram

February 3 - 23, 2023
Opening Reception: February 3, 7:00 - 9:00 pm.

Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center
1100 W Clark Ave
Burbank, CA 91506
818.238.5397 | [email protected]