Contact (818) 238-5304 for general inquiries or tree related emergencies between 7AM-5PM.
A variety of valuable services are offered by the Forestry Services section at no charge to property owners. Tree maintenance is not provided on private property unless there are hazardous circumstances creating potential public liability.
Public services include routine pruning, planting, removal, watering, trimming for traffic clearance, root pruning, and emergency cleanup.
Forestry Services also conducts annual special events that have been recognized at the national level. Two such events are the City of Burbank Annual Arbor Day Ceremony and the Plant-A-Tree Program. This program provides private citizens with the opportunity to donate towards an annual tree-planting project in City parks.
City Park Tree Pruning and Trimming
Parkway Tree Pruning: Remove dead wood, thin out or shape parkway tree.
Parkway Tree Trimming: Raise parkway tree limbs for necessary 14-foot traffic clearance.
Broken Branches: Pick up limbs from any parkway tree that are broken or hanging.
Parkway Tree Removal: Requests are inspected individually and only granted when a justifiable and necessary cause is established per Department's removal policy.
Parkway Tree Planting: If sufficient parkway exists, Forestry will plant a tree free of charge.
Electrical Powerline Clearance: Trees that are in contact with electrical power lines are not serviced by the Parks and Recreation Department. For electrical power line clearance, please visit Our Burbank 311 app and complete a powerline service request or contact Burbank Water and Power at (818) 238-3582.
Contact (818) 238-5304 for general inquiries or tree related emergencies between 7AM-5PM.
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