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Pool Rules and Regulations

We dedicate ourselves to creating a safe and enjoyable experience for our patrons. Please read and follow our pool rules and regulations.

General Pool Rules

All swimmers should be fully aware of the risks and hazards inherent in participating in aquatic activities including swimming, utilization of diving boards, and use of the activity pool and waterslides. Serious accidents may occur during participation in aquatic activities and participants can suffer serious injury or death. NO MEDICAL INSURANCE IS PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF BURBANK FOR ANY INJURIES THAT MAY OCCUR TO PARTICIPANTS DURING PARTICIPATION IN AQUATIC ACTIVITIES. ALL PARTICIPANTS PARTICIPATE IN AQUATIC ACTIVITIES AT THEIR OWN RISK.

  1. Permission to use the pool will be granted upon the condition that all swimming pool rules and regulations will be followed. Permission may be revoked at any time for anyone who fails to comply with staff direction or pool rules and regulations.
  2. No one is permitted in the water unless a lifeguard is on duty. This refers to having a lifeguard on deck or in the lifeguard tower assigned the specific duty of observing the pool and its users.
  3. Children under the age of seven (7) must be actively supervised in the water by an adult (18 years of age or older), at all times. One (1) adult per child. Accompanied means holding onto or being with ten (10) feet of the child; parents may not abandon a child in the shallow end of the pool in order to swim in the deep end, dive, or sun bathe on deck.
  4. All patrons must shower and use the restroom facilities before entering the pool.
  5. Patrons entering the pool must be properly dressed in attire that is specifically designed for swimming. Lined swim suits only. no cut-offs, basketball shorts or T-shirts. *Rash guard shirts are acceptable.
  6. Swim diapers or swim pants must be worn by infants and children who are under 3 or are no toilet trained.
  7. Any person having an infectious or communicable disease or open wound is prohibited from using a public pool. This includes but is not limited to diarrhea, cold, cough, sores, wearing bandages, etc.
  8. Spitting, spouting water, blowing the nose, or discharging bodily wastes in the pool is strictly prohibited.
  9. Running, hazardous activities, boisterous or rough play, or excessive noise in the pool area, showers or dressing rooms is forbidden.
  10. No foreign objects are allowed in the pool, such as toys, fins, inner tubes, rocks, weapons, water wings, and kick-boards.
  11. Alcoholic beverages or illegal substances are prohibited.
  12. Food and drink must be consumed in the snack bar area. Ice chests and coolers are prohibited.
  13. Sitting on the side of the pool is prohibited. Spectators and sunbathers are permitted only in specifically designated areas.
  14. Diving in shallow water is not permitted. Jumping into the pool from the side of the pool may not be done in close proximity to patrons using the pool.
  15. Only one (1) person is allowed on the diving board platform at a time. Diving from the diving board is limited to feet first and single bounce off the end of the diving board.
  16. Deep Water Swim Test - Anyone wishing to swim in deep water must submit to a deep-water test. Lifeguards will initiate the test.
  17. Personal floatation devices (PFD) in the swimming pool are prohibited unless U.S. Coast Guard approved. This PFD must be clearly labeled as U.S. Coast Guard Approved for the specific weight of the user.
  18. Dogs or other animals are prohibited in the aquatic facility and may not be left unattended or leashed outside the facility.
  19. On-deck showers are intended for the purpose of rinsing only. At the staff’s discretion, excessive use of soap and shampoo, resulting in a slip and fall hazard, is prohibited.

The City of Burbank Parks and Recreation Department is not responsible for lost or stolen property.

Verdugo Waterslide Rules and Regulations

Compliance is mandatory.
Noncompliance with these rules will result in the rider being directed to leave the premises.

  1. Minimum height for riders is 47 inches
  2. Maximum weight for riders is 265 lbs
  3. Slide feet first in a sitting position or on your back only
  4. Only one rider at a time in each flume
  5. Dispatch only when directed by attendant
  6. Do not attempt to stop on the slide
  7. Keep hands inside the flume while using the slide
  8. Each rider must immediately leave the waterslide pool plunge area
  9. No person is to cause, suffer or permit rough behavior or harassment of other persons in the waterslide pool, on the flume, walkways or platforms
  10. Glass bottles and other articles containing glass and sharp objects are not to be carried or used within the flume, waterslide pool and its surrounds or the walkways
  11. Waterslide riders are not to wear any personal effects such as jewelry, grommets on swimsuit, watches, or eye glasses which are likely to result in personal injury to the rider, other riders, or cause damage to the waterslide
  12. No running or horseplay
  13. Persons are not to use the waterslide in a manner which will cause bodily injury to other slide riders
  14. Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not permitted to use the waterslide
  15. Do not ride this waterslide unless your physical health is sound
  16. Health authorities warn that it is considered unsafe to use a waterslide:
    • If you are pregnant
    • For persons with limb or back weakness/disability
    • For persons with heart ailments
    • For persons with any condition which could predispose them to further aggravation of their pre-existing condition or injury
  17. Management reserves the right to refuse entry to any person at all times, ie. Where the person is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or for any other reason considered to create a potential hazard for that rider or other persons

The City of Burbank’s certificate of compliance can be found in the aquatic office at the Verdugo Aquatic Facility.


In order to maintain the Facility's peaceful atmosphere, facilitate usage, preserve easy access to equipment and materials, and protect Facility property, we require you to observe the following Rules of Conduct.
Please keep in mind the following:
  • Demonstrate common courtesy to fellow participants, community members, and staff.
  • Maintain an environment where conflict and differences can be addressed in a respectful manner.
  • Help keep the Facility clean by consuming food and drink in designated areas and throw away trash in the appropriate receptacle.
  • Please limit cellular telephone conversations to not disturb others or use the areas outside the building.
  • Please consult with front office staff regarding use of the Facility, including room reservations, set-up, and use of equipment.
  • Proper attire, including shoes and shirts, must be worn at all times.
The following are prohibited at Parks and Recreation Facilities:
  1. Engaging in any activity prohibited by law;
  2. Acts of discrimination and/or harassment based on any of the following protected characteristics: age, sex, race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation, genetic information, marital status, religion, citizenship status, medical condition, military and veteran status, or any disability protected by State or Federal law;
  3. Disturbing, disruptive, or unsafe behavior, including any conduct that interferes with the use of the Facility by others or with the functioning of Facility staff. Persons who continue to create a disturbance will be required to leave the Facility. Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Disruptive outbursts, use of loud, abusive or threatening language, threatening or harassing behavior;
    • Spitting or smoking inside the building. Smoking is permitted only in designated areas outside the building (BMC Section 4-1-704);
    • Use of electronic smoking devices inside the building. Electronic smoking is permitted only in areas outside the building that are otherwise designated for smoking under BMC Section 4-1-704.
    • The use of electronic devices without headphones or unauthorized use of amplified sound, such as, radios, music players, video games and computers, that results in discomfort or annoyance to a reasonable person of normal sensitivity;
    • Disruptive cellular phone conversations;
    • Unauthorized borrowing and/or tampering with another person’s property/belongings.
  4. Conducting personal commercial activities without a City-issued permit, including but not limited to the unauthorized sale or display for sale of goods, tickets or services (BMC 3-3-801.1);
  5. Aggressive soliciting in the building, on the grounds or in the parking lot (Penal Code Section 647(c));
  6. Conducting unauthorized events, demonstrations, or campaigning unless expressly allowed by law;
  7. Charging personal electronic devices and/or batteries through the use of Facility resources;
  8. Damaging City or Facility property. Persons caught breaking, defacing, or destroying property will be required to leave the Facility and may be criminally prosecuted (Penal Code Section 594);
  9. Animals are not allowed in the Facility, with the exception of service animals, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act. The owner must be in physical proximity and have full control of the service animal at all times;
  10. Persons exhibiting illness, poor personal hygiene, and/or related conditions that may compromise the health of others may be asked to leave the Facility until the condition is remedied;
  11. Dangerous and/or hazardous materials;
  12. Firearms and/or weapons (BMC 5-3-804, Penal Code);
  13. Alcoholic beverages and illegal substances (BMC 5-3-108, Health & Safety Code);
  14. Photographing, videotaping, or recording of any kind without a permit issued by the City;
  15. Engaging in or attempting to engage in any business, activity or act for financial compensation without a permit issued by the City. (BMC 3-3-801.1).
Any violation of these Facility Rules or the commission of other illegal conduct in the Facility may be addressed in the following manner:
  • Verbal Warning. (e.g. notification of violation and reference to Rules of Conduct);
  • Immediate eviction from the Facility. Immediate eviction shall mean removal from the Facility, and banishment from any other Parks and Recreation Facility, for the remaining hours of operation for the day of eviction;
  • Suspension of Facility privileges. Suspension of Facility Privileges shall mean denial of access to the Facility and allFacility services for one or more days. The effective date and length of suspension shall be determined by the Facility Supervisor, depending upon the scope and severity of the violation, and notice of such suspension shall be made in writing;
  • Criminal Sanctions or any other remedy available under local, state, or federal laws.
The above remedies may be cumulatively applied.
  • Appeal of Suspension. Anyone who has been suspended from the Facility for one or more days may appeal the suspension by submitting a written request for appeal prior to the start of the suspension to the Facility Supervisor and/or the Parks and Recreation Department located at 150 North Third Street Burbank California 91502.
  • The written request for appeal should include the reasons for requesting an appeal and contact information. All appeals shall be heard by the Parks and Recreation Director, or her designee, within 30 business days of the receipt of the request. The suspension will be tolled during the appeal process. The decision of the Parks and Recreation Director shall be final.
The Facility reserves the right to modify these rules at any time.