Accepted Organics
Accepted Organics
- Food Scraps-all food (fresh, frozen, cooked, and moldy):
- Bread, grains and pasta
- Dairy
- Eggshells and eggs
- Vegetables and fruits (pits, too)
- Leftovers and spoiled food
- Meat (including bones)
- Seafood (including shellfish)
- Nuts and shells
- Candy and processed food
- Moldy or spoiled items
- Small amounts of cooled cooking grease (wrap in napkins to keep cart clean)
- Coffee grounds with paper filter
- Loose tea (bagged tea is trash)
- Food-Soiled Paper (food-soiled and non-coated)
- Coffee filters
- Greasy pizza boxes
- Paper cups and plates
- Paper bags, napkins, tissues and towels (NO chemicals)
- Paper take-out boxes and containers (non-coated)
- Parchment Paper
- Natural cork (no plastic)
- Yard Trimmings
- Leaves
- Grass clippings
- Branches, brush, twigs, shrubs, hedges, etc.
- Palm fronds, cactus, and other similar items
- "Compostable" plastic cups, utensils, plates.
- If it looks and feels like plastic, it's a plastic.
- "Biodegradable" plastic or plant-based plastic labeled "compostable" (PLA plastic)
- "Biodegradable" is not a certified standard for any method of disposal.
Please reuse these materials or put them in the landfill.
- "Biodegradable" is not a certified standard for any method of disposal.
- Aluminum Foil and Trays
- Please rinse and recycle these.
- Cat litter or animal feces
- Ceramic dishware or glassware
- Clothing linens and rags
- Cooking oil
- Corks - plastic
- Diapers
- Flower pots or trays.
- Foil-backed or plastic-backed paper
- Plastic bags, wrappers
- Glass, metal or plastic not labeled "Compostable"
- Please recycle these materials in the blue bin.
- Cartons -- dairy or juice; includes soy milk type boxes with foil liner
- Liquids or ice
- Recyclable/clean cardboard or paper
- Please recycle these materials.
- Polystyrene (aka Styrofoam)