Sewer Lateral User Rebate Program (SLURP)
Hire a plumber to clean and video record your sewer lateral.
It is important that the plumber, chosen by you, cleans and video records your sewer lateral all the way to the connection with the publish sewer main. This recording must also clearly show the address of the residence. Please note that the post video inspection must show that the entire private sewer lateral has been cleaned all the way to the connection point with the public sewer main in order for the rebate to be granted.We recommend getting quotes from a few plumbers before making a final decision. You can review plumber evaluations* completed by other Burbank residents.
*Plumbers on this list have worked with us before and are familiar with the SLURP rebate process.
Submit your rebate package.
A complete package includes ALL of the following:
- Copy of the plumber's receipt
- Copy of the videotape or DVD
- Completed SLURP rebate form
Enjoy your rebate!
Public Works will give you a $150 credit on sewer service charges!
*SLURP rebate packages are reviewed the last week of each month. If your package is deemed complete and acceptable, a rebate will appear on your next month's bill.
**This rebate is only available to single family residences and duplexes (if the renters pay the sewer service charge).
You may have already received a door hanger notification regarding this program. We leave these notifications when our video inspection of the public sewer main reveals roots coming from a property owner's sewer lateral. It is a friendly reminder that maintaning your sewer lateral will prevent backups at your home.
Sewer Backwater Valve Information (PDF)
Sewer Backwater Valve Information (PDF)
150 N. Third Street
Burbank, CA 91502
150 N. Third Street
Burbank, CA 91502
Monday through Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.