Solid Waste & Recycling
The Solid Waste Division and Recycle Center service all single-family residences, 50% of multi-family residences, and approximately 10% of the City's commercial/industrial refuse customers. Organics recycling is required for Burbank Residents and Commercial Businesses under California's new law SB1383. Trash, recycling, and organics are now required for all residents and commercial businesses from one provider. For more details, click here.
Are you a new resident or business and need to start Solid Waste service?
Please call Burbank Water and Power (BWP) (818) 238-3700 or click here to start service.
When you start service with BWP, they also automatically start your solid waste services (trash/organics/recycle).
Size/number of carts or bins are based on the last customer’s details; if you want to change your services (larger/smaller cart, more carts, etc.), please call Public Works Field Services at (818) 238-3800 after starting service with BWP.
If you are starting service with new construction, please call Public Works Field Services after signing up with BWP to let us know what trash service you’d like.
Find out your cart collection day by viewing the trash day map.
To view current bin or cart sizes and costs, please check the current Refuse Collection Fees in Article II, Section 1 of the Fee Schedule or give us a call.
If you have any further questions, please call us at (818) 238-3800.
Public Works Field Services
124 S. Lake Street
Burbank, CA 91502
Monday through Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.