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Economic Development

Economic Development strives to create jobs, encourage innovation and new ideas, attract new investment, increase sales tax revenue, create vibrant neighborhoods, and improve the quality of life for all.

Visit these sites to learn more

Dedicated to advancing job growth, boosting commercial activity, and upholding quality of life for residents, businesses, and visitors to Burbank.

With more than 600 shops, the largest IKEA in the US, Flappers Comedy Club, and the AMC movie theaters, Downtown Burbank is a top shopping and entertainment destination.

Behind-the-scenes movie tours, TV show tapings, theme parks, outdoor adventures, and more! It’s all here in Burbank, CA!

View a list of new and 'coming soon' businesses. Please contact us for the most up-to-date information on available properties and opportunities.

The Economic Development Team offers Business Concierge services to provide dedicated and personalized customer service to our small and large businesses.

Check out the Burbank Chamber of Commerce's Guide to Burbank for community resources, business tools, city navigation, and much more.
Additional Info & Resources

The Magnolia Park Action Committee (MPAC), in collaboration with the City of Burbank Economic Development Division, has been working hard at developing a plan for a new Property Based Business Improvement District (PBID) along Magnolia Boulevard. Comprised of a coalition of neighboring business and property owners, the MPAC has established an action plan to transform the Magnolia Park commercial corridor with property owner supported events, marketing, and maintenance programs.

PBID’s help stabilize and grow commercial areas by providing property owners enhanced services above and beyond baseline City services, and empowering property owners with a unified voice. PBIDs support cleanliness, increase pedestrian traffic, help drive retail sales, and increase property values. The materials linked below will provide property owners within the proposed PBID boundaries with additional information regarding establishment of the proposed Magnolia Park PBID:

For more information, please email: [email protected] or call: 818-238-5180

150 N. Third Street, Floor 2
Burbank, CA 91502
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Phone: (818) 238-5180

E-Mail: [email protected]