Firearms and Ammunitions Retailers Regulations
The Burbank City Council directed Staff to explore additional regulations that could be applied to firearms and ammunition retailers. Staff was tasked with the following assignments:
- Amend the Community Development Department Business License procedures for a firearm and ammunition retailer to obtain a local license to operate, Burbank Muncipical Code - Title 3 (Business and Licenses), Chapter 4 (Business and Occupations); and
- Adopt new land-use and objective development regulations through a Zone Text Amendment (ZTA).
Included below is additional information through which the public can stay up to date on the status of work associated with these regulations.
- Tuesday, July 26, 2022 - City Council Public Hearing
- At this meeting City Council was presented crime data, along with short, medium, and long term solutions for firearms and firearms and ammunition retailers in the City. In addition, the City Council adopted an interim ordinance temporarily prohibiting the issuance of licenses to new firearm and ammunition retailers. You can find a copy of the Staff Report here and a copy of the adopted urgency ordinance here.
- Tuesday, August 23, 2022 - City Council Public Hearing
- Tuesday, July 18, 2023 - City Council Public Hearing
- Tuesday, June 6, 2023 - City Council Public Hearing
- City Council was introduced to a set of new procedures for a firearm and ammunition retailer to obtain a local business license to operate as dictated in Title 3 (Business and Licenses), Chapter 4 (Business and Occupations) of the Burbank Muncipical Code (BMC). These new procedures focus on the establishment of explicit licensing requirements for firearm and ammunition retailers and include law enforcement inspections. Here is a copy of the Staff Report.
- Tuesday, June 27, 2023 - City Council Public Hearing
- City Council adopted an ordinance codifying the new Business License procedures and regulations to obtain a local business license to operate. View the ordinance here.
- Tuesday, December 5, 2023 - City Council Study Session
- Monday, April 8, 2024 - Planning Commission Meeting
- Propose new land-use and objective development regulations through a Zone Text Amendment (ZTA). Here is a copy of the Staff Report and approved Resolution 3469.
- Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - City Council Public Hearing
- Introduce new land-use and objective development regulations through a Zone Text Amendment (ZTA).
- Tuesday, June 4, 2024 - City Council Report
- Adoption of new land-use and objective development regulatons through a Zone Text Amendment (ZTA). Here is a copy of the Staff Report and approved Ordinance No. 24-4,013
- Stakeholder Meeting #1: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 - Discussed the potential Land Use Regulations that would be proposed for the Zone Text Amendment with the existing firearm retailers operating in the City.
- Stakeholder Meeting #2: Tuesday, November 2, 2023 - Discuss adopted Business License provisions and new law enforcement inspections requirements with the existing firearm retailers operating in the City.
- Stakeholder Meeting #3: Wednesday, May 8, 2024 - Discuss implementation plan of those adopted Business License provisions and potential Land Use Regulations that would be proposed for the Zone Text Amendment with the existing firearm retailers operating in the City.
- Community Workshop: Monday, March, 11, 2024 - Provide the community an overview of the potential Land Use Regulations being considered as part of the Zone Text Amendment. See a copy of the presentation here.
On June 6, 2023 the City of Burbank Community Development Department’s Planning Division introduced (first reading) to the City Council a set of new procedures for a firearm and ammunition retailer to obtain a local business license to operate as dictated in Title 3 (Business and Licenses), Chapter 4 (Business and Occupations) of the Burbank Muncipical Code (BMC). These new procedures focus on the establishment of explicit licensing requirements for firearm and ammunition retailers and include law enforcement inspections. Here is a copy of the Staff Report.
On June 27, 2023, the City Council adopted (second reading) an ordinance codifying these new procedures. You are able to view the Amended Regulations by following the link below:
Ordinance 23-3,997 Amending Title 3 (Business and Licenses), Chapter 4 (Business and Occupations), Article 1 (Retail and Service Businesses Requiring Licenses) of the Burbank Municipal Code.
Submittal Requirements for Firearm and Ammunition Retail Uses -
a. Application here
b. Insurance Requirement here
Firearm and Ammunition Retail Use signage here
Adopted Land Use Regulations