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Build or Remodel 

Are you thinking about building, altering, or remodeling your house or business? Most require a City building permit. The purpose of the permit is to ensure the project complies with building standards. Most importantly, the project needs to be safe for you, your family, and/or customers. The complexity of your project will determine the number of steps, fees, and timeline. Below are steps to help you get started.

HELPFUL TIPS for a building or remodeling project

Research and Inquire

The Community Development Department processes, reviews, and approves building and planning entitlement applications to provide the legal permission to construct, alter, or add to a structure. The complexity of your project will determine the number of steps, fees, and timeline. Types of permits and applications are available online. 

List of Construction Work Exempt from Building Permits

Complete an Application for Review

Before submitting a building permit application, start by checking with the Planning Division to determine if any land use permits ("entitlements") or approvals might be required for your project. Depending on the scope of work, your. project may also require review by multiple other City departments including the Public Works Department, Fire Department, Parks and Recreation Department, and Burbank Water and Power.
QUICK LINKS for homeowners
quick links for business owners