Address Assignment Permits are routed through the Community Development Department for Building Division and Planning Division approval and may be routed through the Fire and Police Departments if public safety could be affected by the change.
Address Assignment Permit Application (PDF)
In addition to completing the permit application form, applicants must meet the City’s insurance requirements (PDF) for Public Works permits.
Encroachment General Guidelines (PDF)
Temporary Encroachment Application (PDF)
Tie to Private Property Encroachment Application (PDF)
Outside Dining Encroachment Application (PDF)
Temporary Outside Dining Encroachment Application (PDF)
Some encroachments require an excavation permit.
Excavation Permits may require routing to additional departments for approval depending on the project size and scope. Generally, construction projects with plans and construction projects of any size that do not conform to construction standards require routing. Small improvements without plans that conform to building standards do not require routing.
In addition to completing the permit application form, applicants must meet the City’s insurance requirements (PDF) for Public Works permits.
Excavation Permit Requirements (PDF)
General Excavation Permit Application (PDF)
Utilities Excavation Permit Application (PDF)
To obtain the permit, applicants must meet the City’s insurance requirements (PDF) for Public Works permits.
Open House Sign Permit Application (PDF)
Other Details
- The permit includes a pair of decals to be displayed on each side of the sign(s).
- Permits are issued on an annual basis with a term from July 1 to June 30.
Newsrack Permit Application (PDF)
Parking permits are issued by the Community Development Department. Call (818) 238-5290 or email [email protected].
See "Street Use" tab below for moving truck and container permits.
Storm Drain Connection (PDF)
Industrial Waste Discharge Permit Application (PDF)
Water Quality Agreement (PDF)
Fire Suppression System Discharges (PDF)
Record Keeping Form - Drinking Water Supply Discharges (PDF)
Drinking Water Supply Discharges (PDF)
Discharge Permit - Decorative Fountains (PDF)
Street & Sidewalk Washing Discharge Permit (PDF)
Non-Profit Car Washing Discharge Permit (PDF)
Sewer Lateral User Rebate Program (SLURP)
SLURP Rebate Form (PDF)
Sewer Capacity Analysis (SCA) Appliction (PDF)
Sewer Connection Permits are issued for construction of sewer connections from private property to sewer main lines (BMC Title 8, Chapter 1, Article 3). Please see the Water Reclamation and Sewer Section website for additional information.
For repair of lateral or regular "Y" connection in the public right-of-way or within a public utility easement, see excavation permit costs.
Existing Sewer Lateral Location Cards are available by request to [email protected].
Rolloff bin permits are valid for 14 days; all other street use permits are valid up to 5 days, Monday through Friday, except in special circumstances evaluated on a case by case basis.
Depending on the street use requested, the permit may require traffic control plans. Permits requiring traffic control plans are generally routed through the Traffic Division for approval.
To obtain the permit, applicants must meet the City’s insurance requirements (PDF) for Public Works permits.
Street Use Permit Application (PDF)
A refundable deposit may be required for some street use permits.
Transportation Permit Application (PDF)
The permit allows the City to regulate discharge into the storm drain system and ensure that the City complies with federal storm drain laws.
Water Discharge Permit Application (PDF)
150 North Third Street
Burbank, CA 91502
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - *3:30 p.m.
*Counter closes at 3:00 p.m. on Fridays