Burbank Preapproved Accessory Dwelling Unit Program (BPAP)
Under Assembly Bill (AB) 1332, a preapproval accessory dwelling unit program has been created to:
- Keep pace with the housing crisis and housing needs.
- Reduce financial barriers such as the cost of planning, designing, and permitting.
- Reduce permit issuance timeframes, using preapproved plans, to 30 days.
BPAP Enrollment Information:
For enrollment into the BPAP Program, please follow the steps below:- Email BPAP Enrollment application to [email protected].
- Upload complete plans and supporting documents to ProjectDOX and pay plan check fees.
- Plans are reviewed for completeness and fees have been paid.
- ProjectDOX review begins, commences, and completed within 6-8 weeks.
- Review comments are sent to applicant.
- Applicant uploads revised plans with narrative of corrections to ProjectDOX, and completes their Respond and Resubmit task.
- Next review cycle is begun and review is completed within 2–3-weeks.
- Upon approval, applicant is notified. Applicant to download and complete the BPAP Approved ADU Word document and this information will be added to the Burbank website under the BPAP Library.
BPAP Permitting Information:
For BPAP Permit Issuance, please follow the steps below:- Speak with Planning, regarding site address, ADU size, and Zoning information.
- Contact designer about purchase of preapproved plans.
- Submits permit application to [email protected] for review.
- City staff to verify BPAP Permit Requirements.
- Upon verification, staff will apend BPAP plans to ProjectDOX for plan check review.
- City Departments verify requirements and provide corrections/approvals.
- Upon approval, plans are stamped, and a permit can be issued.
The following BPAP ADU's are accepted by the City of Burbank and have been reviewed by city staff for Building and Municipal Code compliance. Residents can access and contact the design firms through the provided weblinks, below. For more information contact [email protected].
BPAP 24001 | City of Burbank 432 SF 1-Story Studio ADU |
Removal from the BPAP Library requires a written request from the applicant and the library will be updated within 30 days of the request being received.
The following ADU’s are accepted by the City of Burbank and have been reviewed by City Staff for Building and Municipal Code Compliance. Applicants can access and contact the design firms through the provided weblinks to the individual webpages located on Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety's (LADBS) website. For more information contact [email protected].
ADU1 | The Breadbox ADU by Welcome Projects 1-story, 1-bedroom with 560 sf |
ADU12 | IT House ADU by IT House 1-story, studio with 200 sf |
ADU13 | IT House ADU by IT House 1-story including mechanical room with 700 sf |
ADU14 | Connect Homes ADU by Connect Homes 1 story 1 bedroom - HCD Approved with 460 sf |
ADU15 | Connect Homes ADU by Connect Homes 1 story 1 bedroom - HCD Approved with 640 sf |
ADU17 | IT House ADU by IT House 1-story studio with 360 sf |
ADU26 | SO – IL ADU by SO - IL 1-story, 1 bedroom with 693 sf |
ADU31 | Yakov Design ADU by Yakov Design 1-story, 1-bedroom with 750 sf |
ADU34 | Complete Package Drafting ADU by Complete Package Drafting 1-story, 1-bedroom with 600 sf |
ADU37 | Cottage 1 Bedroom ADU by Cottage |
ADU38 | Yakov Design ADU by Yakov Design 1-story, 1-bedroom with 497 sf |
ADU57 | Tom Marble Architecture (TMA) ADU by Tom Marble Architecture (TMA) 1-story, 1-bedroom with 847 sf |
For more information, customers can contact the Building Division via email at [email protected] or via phone at (818) 238-5220. Planning Division may be contacted at [email protected].
Please review below for forms required for enrollment into the Burbank Preapproved ADU Program:
1. BPAP Enrollment Requirements2. BPAP Enrollment Form
3. BPAP Approved ADU Document
Please review below for submittal documents required for the Burbank Preapproved ADU Program plan check
1. Contact [email protected] for access.2. Provide completed Enrollment Form.
3. Provide contact information; Name, Email, Phone Number, and Address.
4. Project Description.
5. Invitation will be sent out.
6. Upload plans, following BPAP Enrollment Requirements.
7. BPAP plan review will begin. BPAP Correction List
Please view below for forms required for the Burbank Preapproved ADU Program permit issuance procedure:
1. Connect with Planning Division for site-specific requirements and Zoning preclearance2. BPAP Permit Requirements
3. BPAP Permit Submittal Checklist
4. Building Permit Application
5. BWP-Electric ADU Plan Check Requirements
6. BWP-Water Fixture Count Form
7. BPAP G001 Sheet
- No. The posting of preapproved design shall not be considered an endorsement of the applicant or the ADU. It only reflects that the applicant has met all of the Building Code requirements for Life Safety and the plans are complete for issuance of a Building permit.
- Garage conversions are a unique type and are specific to individual circumstances, there for cannot be included in the Preapproved ADU Program.
- The BPAP program is for new construction only.
- Yes, new construction ADU are able to be submitted under the BPAP program, withn the currently adopted code cycle, and will be subject to verification prior to being included in the BPAP Library.
- 850 SF for studio & 1-Bedroom and up to 1000 SF maximum for 2-Bedroom, unless in special zoning requirements. Refer to Planning Division FAQ here (Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)).
- Very High Fire Zone is limited to a maximum of 800 SF with no exceptions.
- The Rancho area does not allow any new construction of ADU’s.
- Not at this time.
- Not at this time.
- Not at this time.
- Please refer to the BPAP Enrollment Requirements and BPAP Enrollment Form, for all information necessary for a complete submission.
- Yes, please refer to Planning Division and/or the Burbank Municipal Code for these requirements, as well as the BPAP Plan Check Correction List found on the City Website under the Applications & Forms page.
- The California Department of Housing and Community Development also provides information regarding Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADUs) on their website.
- BPAP Enrollment fees are based upon the square footage of the unit and are the same as the permit application fees. See current Adopted Fee Schedule for cost per square foot.
- 30 business days for initial review.
- 15 business days for any recheck review.
- The preapproval is acceptable until the triennial California building standards code cycle expires. Once the city has adopted the new code changes, the plans will need to be updated and reviewed. This happens on a 3-year basis, with the next cycle starting January 01, 2026.
- Triennial codes are available for review beginning June 2025.
- No, enrollment into BPAP will only provide review by Building & Safety for Life Safety, Structural, and Energy review. All other Department review will happen upon submission for a building permit, with an official street address.
- No, these will all be separate reviews and permits. Please review the BPAP Permit Submittal Requirements for further details.
- The following departments will all need to review plans for their approval;
- Planning Department,
- Public Works Department,
- BWP Electric Department,
- BWP Water Department, and
- Fire Department.
- In addition, you will need to contact Burbank Unified School District Facilities about school facilities fees.
- 30 business days for first review.
- 15 business days for any recheck review.
- Senate Bill 13 allows all Accessory Dwelling Units over 750 square feet to be charged a proportional percentage of the current Development Impact Fees.
- The City will review the Los Angeles County Assessor website for current information on the primary dwelling units assessed square footage and from there assess what the percentage is. This information is also available on the BPAP Plan Check Correction List found on the City Website under the Applications & Forms page.
- If the ADU is on a Multi-Family lot, the City will review the Los Angeles County Assessor website for current information pertaining to the average square footage per unit and this number will be used as the primary dwelling units assessed square footage.
- Yes, changes to the preapproved drawings will void its approval. The drawings will then be required to proceed through our standard plan check process.
- The City provides no information regarding the purchase of any design. All information regarding contacting the designer/Architects/Engineers is listed on the City’s website, under the BPAP Library Section.
- Exteriors should include 1-hour fire rated details,
- All specifications for doors, windows, HVAC, and exhaust fans to be coordinated with the Energy Report,
- If Photovoltaic System is required, note on plans location, size, will be issued under a separate permit, and must be installed prior to final inspections.
- If using Wood Framed Prescriptive Provisions, worst case assumption to be used (per Building Code),
- If Structural Calculations provided, worst case assumption to be used (per Building Code),
- Energy Compliance Report & Mandatory Measures Summary Reports must be on the CHEERS.org website for verification.
- Energy Compliance Report (CF-1R) to utilize All Orientation,
- All specifications for doors, windows, HVAC, and exhaust fans to be coordinated with the architectural and structural drawings.
- If Photovoltaic System is required, note on plans location, size, will be issued under a separate permit, and must be installed prior to final inspections.
- All new construction that is 718 SF is required to provide a photovoltaic system, per Cal Energy Equation 150.1.-C.
- Exception 2 can be used if photovoltaic calculation, per Cal Energy Equation 150.1.-C, shows the system to be less than 1.8 kWdc.
[email protected]
(818) 238-5220
Assembly Bill 1332 (Preapproved Plans):
Senate Bill 13 (Accessory Dwelling Units & Development Impact Fees).
Planning Department.
Finding a contractor:
Contractor State License Board
California Department of Consumer Affairs: How to Hire a Contractor
California Department of Housing and Community Development.
HCD Accessory Dwelling Unit Handbook.
Community Services Building
First Floor
150 N. Third Street
Burbank, CA 91502
Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Closed for Lunch
12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m.
*Last tickets issued 15 minutes prior to lunch break and closing.