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Pending and/or Recently Approved Project List
Pending Projects - Director's Decision
755 N. Whitnall Highway An Administrative Use Permit application for a new building mounted Wireless Telecommunications Facility (WTF) consisting of 6 new panel antennas and ancillary antenna equipment to be located inside of a proposed 9' - 9" fiberglass reinforced plastic (RFP) vertical addition to an existing church tower, as well as necessary support equipment to be located inside of the existing church building. The subject property is in the C-3 (General Commercial Business) zone.
1113 N. Kenwood Street A request to provide music lessons within an existing private residence (Unit A) located at 1113 North Kenwood Street (APN: 2476-023-017). The Project site is zoned R-2 (Low Density Residential) and there are currently two (2) detached single-family dwelling units located at the site (Unit A & Single Family Residential).
2957 N. Brighton Street A Minor Fence Exception for a new wall/fence measured at 6-feet in height, located on the street-facing side of the lot. The subject property is in the R-1 (Low Density Residential) zone.
3031 N. Thornton Avenue A Development Review application for proposed 72,080 square foot warehouse and office. The project includes a proposed 97 total parking stalls. The site is zoned M-2, General Industrial.
2801 Joaquin Drive A Minor Fence Exception Permit application to allow a 3'-0" high solid vinyl fence to remain along the north side property line within the front yard setback area of the property located at 2801 Joaquin Drive.
*** Appeal period ends at 5:00pm on the 15th calendar date following the Decision Date. Please contact Project Planner to verify actual Decision Date.
Pending Projects - Commission / City Council
The Community Development Director's Determination of Law Enforcement Facility Use in the Airport Development Agreement This letter of interpretation ("Interpretation") responds to the attached request, where the Authority requested the Community Development Department (CDD) Director's interpretation of allowable uses within the Airport Zone pursuant to the Development Agreement (DA) between the City and the Authority. The DA lists Law Enforcement Facilities as a permitted use within the Airport Zone pursuant to Section 4.6 (b)(3(F) of the DA; however, no further definition of a Law Enforcement Facility is given. City Staff has received a request from the Authority to approve the construction of an indoor training and firing range solely for the use of Airport Law Enforcement Personnel and limited to training and recertification purposes, as a permitted Law Enforcement Facility within the Airport Zone. |
Second Extension of an Urgency Ordinance On November 19, 2024, the City Council will consider adopting a second extension of the Urgency Ordinance to extend the interim development standards for an additional 12 months, to continue to allow City staff adequate time to complete permanent administrative standards and zoning code amendments through a Zone Text Amendment which will address the ongoing issues that gaverise to the interim development standards
Zone Text and Zone Map Amendment The City of Burbank City Council will be holding a public hearing to consider a Zone Map Amendment (ZMA) to include a Housing Opportunity Sites Zone that includes the nineteen (19) opportunity sites (Sites) identified in the adopted 2021-2029 Housing Element as having the greatest potential to accommodate the state mandated Regional Housing Needs Assessment allocation for Burbank. The ZMA would align the zoning of the Sites to match the existing General Plan Land Use designations for these Sites as established in the adopted 2021-2029 Housing Element, in furtherance of Housing Program No. 5 (Housing Opportunity Sites and Rezone Program).
910 S. Mariposa Street The City of Burbank City Council will be holding a public hearing to consider the Community Development Directors determination of the Streamlined Ministerial Design Review for a 40-Unit Multifamily Residential Project.
Zone Text Amendment and Code Text Amendment The City of Burbank Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing to consider the adoption of a Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt an Ordinance to update existing appeal procedures for development projects as stated in Burbank Municipal Code (BMC) Title 10, Chapter 1, Zoning Regulations. The Ordinance also amends BMC Title 9, Chapter 3, Environmental Protection, by aligning the City’s public notice of environmental decisions and related appeals with State law. The recommended changes will amend the BMC as directed by Program No. 22 of the 2021-2029 Housing Element to update project appeal procedures with the objective to streamline the review and approval process of discretionary land use applications. Specifically, proposed amendments to BMC Title 10 include revisions to the initial and final review bodies for mixed-use housing applications, clarify and consolidate the appeal procedures for land use entitlements into a centralized location, and end the appeal process for Director’s decisions on discretionary land use applications at the Planning Commission by making them the final decision-
*** Appeal period ends at 5:00pm on the 15th calendar date following the Decision Date. Please contact Project Planner to verify actual Decision Date.
If you received a public notice and do not see the referenced project on these lists, please reach out to the Project Planner identified on the notice for more information.