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Soft-Story Seismic Retrofit

The City of Burbank aims to promote public welfare and safety through the implementation of a Mandatory Soft-Story Seismic Retrofit program for vulnerable residential buildings.

Soft-Story Seismic Retrofit - ADOPTION

On Tuesday, December 10th, 2024, Burbank City Council unanimously voted to adopt a Mandatory Soft-Story Seismic Retrofit Ordinance.  This is a significant achievement that demonstrates the City of Burbank's commitment to enhancing public safety and ensuring the resilience of our community in the face of seismic risk.  By addressing soft-story vulnerabilities, the City of Burbank has taken an essential step toward creating a safer built environment. The Ordinance will go into effect January 10th 2025.

Vulnerable buildings are identified by the following criteria:
  • Wood-framed buildings comprised of 2 stories or more
  • Constructed under building code standards enacted prior to January 1, 1978
  • Possess a weaker first floor that is characterized by having large openings along the building perimeter such as garage openings or tuck-under parking.
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Screening Due by 1/12/2026

Submit Screening Form to Building & Safety Division and post the Notice of Order sign  January 12, 2026 
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100 % Permit Refund Incentive by 7/10/26

100% building permit-fee REFUND for those who fully comply by July 10, 2026 
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50 % Permit Refund Incentive by 1/10/2028

50% building permit-fee REFUND for those who fully comply by January 10, 2028 
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Submit Retrofit Plans by 1/11/2027

Submit Retrofit Drawings to be submitted to Building & Safety no later than January 11, 2027 
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Building Approval by 1/10/2028

Secure Building Approval of Plans from Building & Safety Division no later than January 10, 2028 
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Permit and Construction by 1/10/2029

Secure a Building Permit and Commence Construction by January 10, 2029 
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Complete Construction by 1/10/2030

Complete Construction and Building Permit Final by January 10, 2030 

 Burbank is joining a small group of municipalities that have adopted similar measures to safeguard their residents. They City's initiative will serve as a model for yet more municipalities in the region to follow.

Building Owner Road Map For Compliance:

Road Map For Compliance with Ordinance

Timeline for Key Milestones:
Compliance Order Date:  January 10, 2025
  1. Submit Screening Form - January 12, 2026
  2. Submit Engineered Plans - January 11, 2027
  3. Secure Approval of Plans - January 10, 2028
  4. Secure Building Permit - January 10, 2029
  5. Complete Construction - January 10, 2030  

Link to ordinance:
Mandatory Soft-Story Seismic Retrofit Ordinance
Screening Form


With the goal of providing financial assistance and promoting early compliance, the City of Burbank is offering a permit refund incentive that refunds:

  • 100% building permit-fee for those who fully comply by July 10, 2026

  • 50% building permit-fee for those who fully comply by January 10, 2028

1. What is a Soft-Story or weak front building?

A soft story building is one with soft, weak, or open-front walls on one or more side of the
first story. These buildings typically have tuck-under parking and storage with one story of
apartment units above or they have a wall that has mostly door or window openings with
very a low percentage of structural wall framing in between.

2. Is the City providing incentives to owners for Soft-Story Retrofit compliance?

The City is providing an incentive program to promote early compliance with the Ordinance.
The City of Burbank is offering a permit refund incentive to aid the homeowner.
It goes as follows:

  • 100% building permit-fee for those who fully comply by July 10, 2026

  • 50% building permit-fee for those who fully comply by January 10, 2028

3. Are there financial assistance available to owners to comply with the Soft-Story Retrofit?

California Residential Mitigation Program (CRMP) was established to help California homeowners
strengthen their houses with the help of seismic retrofit grants.CRMP is also currently developing a
new earthquake retrofit grant program to support the retrofit of multifamily homes. Owners are encouraged
to visit the CRMP website and register for updates to their 
Earthquake Multi-Unit Retrofit: Seismic Retrofitting Program for Soft-Story Multi-Unit Housing (EMR Retrofit):
Earthquake Multi-Unit Retrofit Program (EMR) | CRMP Seismic Retrofit

4. What buildings will be affected by the proposed ordinance?

The buildings affected by the ordinance are multi-family residential buildings permitted under building code standards enacted prior to 1978 and have either:
  1. Tuck-under parking on the first story with one or more stories above containing at three or more units, or
  2. A weak front first story with two or more stories above.

5. Why are the buildings separated by the year 1978?

California Assembly Bill 304, passed in 2005, encourages Cities to implement a
mandatory seismic retrofit of soft story buildings constructed or permitted under building code standards enacted prior to 1978 when the Building Code changed because of the San Fernando earthquake in 1991.

6. How was the list of affected properties compiled and organized?

The list was compiled from permits records and a visual inspection from the street. The properties
permitted under building code standards after 1978 are not subject to this proposed ordinance.

7. When is the ordinance go into effect?

The ordinance is in effect on January 10th of 2025.

8. When will I be notified?

The Notices will be sent out via United States Postal Service certified mail and addressed to the owner
as shown on the last equalized assessment roll.

9. How long will I have to complete the work?

The Ordinance has milestones that are key for compliance. Please see below:
  • Submit Screening Form by January 12, 2026
  • Post the building as required in BMC Section 9-1-16-400.7.1 by January 12, 2026
  • Submit Engineered Plans by January 11, 2027
  • Secure Approval of Plans by January 10, 2028
  • Obtain building permit and commence construction by January 10, 2029
  • Complete Construction by January 10, 2030

10. Do I have to retrofit the entire building?

The extent of the construction depends on the overall structure and the engineer report, but
the ordinance requires that only the Soft-Story condition be corrected.

11. How long will the construction take?

The construction time will vary depending on the size of the building and the scope of
the required corrections. The construction could take as little as three to four weeks for
a small project and two to three months for a larger building.

12. Do I need an engineer?

An engineer licensed in the State of California is required to submit the assessment
report or the designed plans with accompanying calculations.

13. Where can I find a contractor?

The City cannot recommend any one contractor or engineer.
The following below are resources that can be used to search for a contractor.
Contractor State License Board:
California Department of Consumer Affairs: How to Hire a Contractor:

14. Where can I find a Licensed Engineer?

The Structural Engineers Association of California has a listing of licensed engineers. The
web site is https://seaosc.org/Member-Services-Search

15. What will happen if the work is not completed within the time limit?

Failure to comply with the requirements of this Ordinance by the specified deadlines will result in the recordation of the referenced subject building with the Los Angeles County Recorder, identifying the building as being subject to and in violation of the Ordinance. It shall be unlawful for any person to own, use, occupy or maintain any building or structure or portion thereof, or cause the same to be done, contrary to, or in violation of, any of the provisions of this Ordinance. Violations of this Ordinance are subject to the penalties outlined in BMC section 1-1-105, as well as additional penalties BMC 1-1-108, which includes issuance of administrative citations. The Building Official may also order that the building be vacated until the building is in compliance.
Community  Meeting 1
Date:  Thursday, April 25th. 2024
Time:  5:30 pm
Location:  275 E Olive Ave, City Council Chambers

Meeting Agenda
PowerPoint Presentation (pdf)

Community Meeting 2
Date:  Wednesday, May 15th, 2024
Time:  5:30 pm
Location:  150 N Third St, Room 104

Meeting Agenda
Powerpoint Presentation (pdf)

Landlord-Tenant Commission Meeting
Date:  Monday, August 5th, 2024
Time:  6:15 pm
Location:  150 N Third St, Room 104

Powerpoint Presentation (pdf)

Board of Building and Fire Appeals Meeting
Date:  Tuesday, August 13th, 2024
Time:  3:00 pm
Location:  150 N Third St, Room 104

Zoom:  https://burbankca.zoom.us/j/88689939465?pwd=l4Q5qk20OJewHbcNvw5drXZLyT6ZFo.1

Meeting Agenda

City Council Meeting - Introduction
Date:  Tuesday, September 10th, 2024
Time:  6:00 pm
Location:  275 E Olive Ave, City Council Chambers

Powerpoint Presentation:

City Council Meeting - Adoption
Date:  Tuesday, December 10th, 2024
Time:  6:00 pm
Location:  275 E Olive Ave, City Council Chambers

Powerpoint Presentation:



Location, Hours, & Contact Information
Community Services Building
First Floor
150 N. Third Street
Burbank, CA 91502
Public Counter Hours*
Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Closed for Lunch
12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m.

*Last tickets issued 15 minutes prior to lunch break and closing. 
Building Permits/Plan Check
(818) 238-5220
[email protected]